Micah Vallenti has been in the closet all his life, taking his time in coming to terms with his sexuality as well as himself. Everything all of a sudden changes the second he gets outed by a boy he had trusted and known for years. Broken, dismayed...
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I yawned, entering the cabin that I actually missed sleeping at. Benny had his headphones on as he was laying down on his bed with closed eyes.
I anxiously breathed as I hoped he was feeling a lot better now. I haven't talked to him for 3 days and I'm not even sure if he knows about what Logan did to me.
Benny's eyes quickly opened as if he sensed I was coming and they rapidly lit up. "Micah! Where the hell have you been?" He exclaimed, throwing his headphones off. "I couldn't even text you because I don't have your number and your lame ass don't use social media!" His voice sounded relieved.
I smiled as I tightly hugged him. "I've been at the nurses office." I sighed, making him quickly break off the hug.
Benny looked up at me as his eyes landed on my darkened eye. "What in the hell! How'd you get that?"
"Logan." I let out quietly as I bit my lip, watching Benny's face quickly crinkle in confusion. "He wanted to punch me back for what I did at the night of the bonfire but, I swear it got out of hand. It felt like he was actually trying to kill me."
He backed away, quickly thinking to himself. "Logan did this? That's so childish of him to do! He's probably off his medication." Benny's eyes met mine again. I remained quiet as Benny sat back down on his bed, continuing to speak. "Why'd you stay at the nurse's office and not a hospital?"
I slowly shook my head. "Hospitals are too far away from here." He clicked his mouth in disappointment, continuing to examine my eye.
"Ima talk to him." Benny let out as I sat next to him. "That ain't right. If I was you, which is very unlikely because I can beat a bitch up, you can make him catch a case."
I furrowed by eyebrows down at him. "Like sue him?" I couldn't help but half-laugh.
"Why not." He shrugged. "I mean I know he's my best friend but what he did to you was wrong as fuck."
I quickly shook my head. "No, I don't wanna do that. I just wanna stay away from him, I guess. I think I remember him saying he wanted to kill me if he ever sees me again."
Benny's voice quickly began to reply. "Yup, he's not taking his medication again. That boy is so stupid sometimes I swear!" He looked at me as he sighed. "Logan has really bad anger issues. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I wish you didn't."
I bit. "But I did." Silence broke out between us. "But I can't be sad about something that already passed. I just have to make sure I stay away from him, medicated or not."
Benny crossed his arms at me. "And I guess I'm staying away from him too. Even though we've been friends for so long he's been hanging out with his band mates more and hasn't even tried talking to me. He's slowly but surely turning into an ugly wrinkled asshole." I couldn't help but explode out in laughter at what he said.