The Mall

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After school ended Shuichi was dragged off by Kokichi, the two had avoided Maki, Kaito, and Kaede all day, Shuichi looked at Kokichi who was holding onto his arm once again.

"H-hey why do you keep dragging me around?" Shuichi finally asked as they came to a stop near Shuichi's house, Kokichi turned to Shuichi with a smile, Shuichi gave him a puzzled look.

"Well your sooooo slow Shumai so I have to drag you around to make sure you don't get lost." Kokichi said as if he had expected this question, Shuichi sighed. He felt his phone buzz, Shuichi grabbed his phone,

                                                                October 24 | 2:16 P.M

                                                                  The Group of weirdos

Maki: Hey Shu, where are you?

Kaito: Yea, we've been looking for you all day bro

Kaito: Brooooooo

Maki: Shu!!!!!!!!

Kaede Joined the group chat

Kaede: Hmmm is Shuichi still not on or anywhere to be found????

Kaito: I guess so....

Shuichi Joined the group chat

Kaito: Hey! he's here!!!!

Maki: Finally we've benn waiting all day for you to talk to us!

Maki: *Been

Kaede: H-hey Shu you there?

Shuichi: Y-yea, what did you guys want?

Kaito: Where have you been Bro? since you weren't here Kaede brought Rantaro everywhere with us

Maki: Yea...although he seemed very happy

Kaede: Whaaaaaa!? You didn't enjoy hanging out with Rantaro, Kaito????

Shuichi: your gonna be in trouble with Kaede now.

Kaito: Of course I did it was just... um well you know.........uninteresting????????

Kaede:  Hey at least you could talk to someone about being 'LUMINARY OF THE STARS~'

Kaito: .............

Maki: Hehe Well Kaede isn't wrong is she?

Kaito: ..........................

Shuichi Left The Group Chat

 Kokichi snatched Shuichi's phone, Shuichi gasp in surprise, Kokichi smiled at him and held the phone in the air.

"What'cha doing Shumai?~" Kokichi asked while scrolling through the phone. Shuichi felt kind of angry from Kokichi just doing what he wants. Shuichi glared at kokichi and attempted to get the phone back but Kokichi was to fast.

"Kokichi I'm serious this time give it back!" Shuichi yelled at Kokichi who seemed to be having a lot fun.

"Why Shumai?....DO you not trust me?" Kokichi said in a childish way yet somehow he still seemed to sound very hurt as well, Shuichi Sighed and put his hand out.

"I......I do trust you, but when you do stuff like that it makes me uneasy..." Shuichi said, His face was turned to the side avoiding eye contact, Kokichi looked at Shuichi with a somewhat warm smile.

The Lies I tell (Kokichi X Shuichi DRV3 OU)Where stories live. Discover now