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Shuichi sat in the living room replaying the day in his mind,he was rather happy about his day, he took out his phone and realized he'd received a message from kokichi

October 27|5:29P.M
Kokichi Ouma

Kokichi: hey Shuichi did that piece of shit come to your house earlier??? Did you turn him away?? You totally turned him away right? Was he sad? Upset???
Shuichi: Wdym "piece of shit"??? Rantaro?
Kokichi: duh! Who else would I call that?
Shuichi: you would literally call anyone that... anyway yes he did and no I did not turn him away we went out for a bit and we made plans for tomorrow sooooo...

Shuichi felt his heart beat faster for some reason 'god why do I feel as if I cheated on someone and just...ratted myself out?' He asked himself as he checked his phone waiting for a response. There was none. Shuichi sighed and comforted himself by telling himself it's nothing like cheating because he's not even dating kokichi. He could spend time with anyone he pleased. Yet the thought of upsetting kokichi dreaded him. He waited for Kokichi to reply but there was nothing
Oh wow... did I upset him? He asked himself getting up from the couch. He walked to the kitchen and got a glass of water when her heard his phone go off and instinctively he rushed to it hoping that it would be Kokichi but much to his dismay it wasn't.
                 ...Incoming call...
He sighed and answered it.
"Hey Rantaro what's up"
"Ah uh I just wanted to confirm our plans for tomorrow... uh Kokichi sent me a message so I wanted to uh check it through with you!" He said in his usual calm yet sweet tone. Shuichi raised his brow. "What kind of message did he send you? Hey he's not bullying you is he? I know he can be hard to deal with sometimes but you shouldn't listen to him if he starts acting like a jerk!" Shuichi blurted. "Ah no it was nothing bad he just wanted to make it clear that he didn't like us hanging out" Shuichi let out a sigh 'thank god..'
"Anyway I'll uh let you go now! Bye Shuichi I'll see you tomorrow". Rantaro hung up. Shuichi placed his phone on the table and looked at it for a while before picking it up to message Kokichi.

October 27|5:35 P.M
Kokichi Ouma

Shuichi: Hey come over real quick we need to talk.

He sent his message and placed his phone down and quickly picked it up. There was no reply yet he could see that Kokichi did in fact see the message. He felt his heart beat faster and thoughts blew through this mind. He rushed to the restroom looking in the mirror and fixed his hair and jumped when he heard the doorbell ring. He closed his eyes and calmed himself down before heading toward the door and opened it to see Kokichi yet he didn't look too happy. He'd forced his way through Shuichi and an upset look as he passed him he grabbed his jacket pulling his with him letting the door close by itself.
"Did I not make it clear you were mine.." he said softly, Shuichi didn't hear yet felt the cold air and stood still, Kokichi looked up and pulled him down to his level by his collar. Shuichi didn't know what to do so he let it happen. "Didn't you hear me Shumai" Kokichi said in a gentle yet scary voice. Shuichi shook his head from side to side. Kokichi let out a great sigh and pulled his head closer "Shuichi you're such a troublemaker" he frowned before forcing a kiss onto Shuichi. Startled he stood there doing nothing about it and when Kokichi pulled away he realized what had happened and stood up bringing his arm to his face.
"Hey! Don't just go around doing as you please!" He yelled out with a red face. Kokichi shot him a glare "Then don't hang out with that good for nothing Avocado" he said sharply.
"Now come on... we're going upstairs" he pulled Shuichi's sleeve and they walked the up the stairs together. Shuichi couldn't help but wonder why. His heart beat faster with every step he took and yet Kokichi seemed calmer than ever.

Hey! Sorry it's been a while heh I shouldn't have forgotten about this for that long but uh.. IM BACK! and I hope it stays that way ^^

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