Real love is hard to find | Three

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3 | Tired of the bullshit...

Amaria's POV...

I woke up confused and tired, 'cause I had forgotten what happened yesterday as if I had a hangover. I shook it off and got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a 30 minute shower, afterwards, I put on lotion and walked to my closet.

I picked out a I'm that girl shirt in gray cursive letters, a black skirt that flowed, long in the back and short in the front, and black T sandals.. I felt so confident about myself, and I loved it.

I was confused for why it came out now, shook the thought off and went downstairs to see what to eat for breakfast. I got fruit snacks since I wasn't that hungry.

"And who are you lookin sexy for?" I turned around to see Iesha leaning against the wall as if she was gonna holla at me. I chuckled, "What you mean, I'm dressed for school, silly." I giggled. "Oh my gosh, I forgot all about that." She yelled running back upstairs.

30 minutes later... Iesha came back downstairs in the same thing as me but had white T sandals, I raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Really?" I asked, and she smiled at me. "What, I gotta let people know who my baby is." She winked and walked out the kitchen, towards the door, I went upstairs to get my phone and noticed I had a text.

My precious baby: Good morning babe!

I didn't know who it was so I ignored it, I quickly went downstairs to the car. Locking the door after me, and walked towards the car and got in. "What did I do yesterday?" I asked, and Iesha looked at me confused.

"You don't remember? Handsome came over. You two are official, now let's go. I don't want to be late for school." Iesha said with a sigh, and leaned back into her seat.

The whole car ride I tried to remember. Then it hit me, he asked me out when I was like sixty-three percent in deep sleep. Is that why I had this confidence? I thought to myself as I drove into the parking lot, Iesha got out the car quickly and I got out right after.

I was so in thought as I was walking to the front of McCarvier High... It was my sophomore year, and I was really wishing it was my senior year. Handsome is lucky he was a senior, and that's when my insecurities had hit me

What if he found someone else while I was in school? What if she was more beautiful than me? I texted him back quickly, but it wasn't like it'd help anything...

Amaria baby: Good morning Handsome!

I walked into the school, and people started mean mugging me, some looked at me as a peice of meat, and some just looked with blank expressions. I bumped into someone and looked at them to apologize, but instead I mean mugged her.

The only girl in this that I really didnt like, she had everything but it seemed as if she didn't have much, she was pretty and had good things going good for her. What she had was enough, what she didn't know was people talked dirt on her name.

They was 2 faced when I wasn't, but she seemed as if she didn't want to know the truth. She just wanted attention and she had it, but not in a good way at that.

"What are you looking at Ms. Piggy?" She chuckled, I turned around a full 360 to see everyone staring but of course, her minions of was laughing.

"Listen Cheyenne, I'ma spit some real shit for a few seconds... I want to know, do you ever see me eat like a pig? It's obvious that I barely eat the cafeteria food so I wouldn't be judged, but I get judge anyway." I shook my head at how stupid that was.

"Another thing, is does it even look like I'm fat to you, no, 'cause you and I both know I'm pretty, happy, and thick. We ALL know I don't look pink, so your little comment was stupid as fuck and you're making yourself look stupid. You're really pretty and got everything good going for yourself, but you be thottin' it and throwing your no walls having ass left to right to every dude and for what?" I screwed my face, and she blinked glancing at the people around her.

Real love is hard to find: Editing/HoldWhere stories live. Discover now