Part 15 - IS THIS THE END?

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Part 15 - IS THIS THE END?

We arrived in Manila around 10 AM, and to my surprise, Bret actually has a photoshoot around 3, so I decided that I will just start to work.
“You sure you want to start today Sal?” Bret asked.
I nodded. I can’t always dodge to meet James right? I should be professional.


I am just doing Bret’s hair when suddenly,

“Em Bret, sorry I am a lil bit late,” it was James’ voice, I kinda freeze a little, feeling nervous.

He looked up and see that was me, standing behind Bret. “Sally! When did you comeback, I miss you so much,”  he continued then hugged me.

“I’m good, er let me finish Bret’s hair,” I said pulled away, then James when to sit next to Bret.

“She came back this morning with me James.” Bret said breaking the awkward situation in the room. James looked at him questioning him how.

“Well, a week that I told you I went to vacay with my dad, I was actually when to visit her in Indonesia, I just think like she needed me too right,” Bret said. I just stayed silent not knowing what to say.

“Why? Why would you leave just like that Sal?” James asked me.

“I needed time to think,” I answer him casually.

As I finished Bret’s hair, I know it is time to James and I to talk.

“I’ll just leave you both alone, you both need to talk things out, you’re ok with it Sal?” Bret asked. I nodded.

Bret got up from his seat, and moved to a couch behind us. I take Bret’s previous seat and getting nervous. I just don’t think James and I need to talk about things. I am 100% sure that there’s nothing to talk about.

James move his chair, so now we are facing eachother.

He touch my hands, “why you leave me just like that?” He asked.


• James’ Pov•

“Why you leave me just like that?” I asked her.

“We have ended things before I left James.” She said. What did she mean? I don’t even know that.

“What do you mean? I thought we were just giving eachother time to think,”

“James, please stop. Are you still not getting enough fame from us dating?” She said harshly.

“What? No Sal, I’m sorry I did that to you, but I really regret it the moment I know I really do fall for you. Please, take me back,” I said.

She didn’t say anything,
“Please answer me Sally,” I plead.

As she was about to speak, we were interrupted by Alexis and Lauren that walk in to the room, “sorry, we’re kinda late,” Alexis said, I can hear her voice changed when she saw Sally and I, Bret is in the couch behind Sally,

“Ups, look who’s back! Are we interrupting something?” Lauren said sarcastically.

I  can see Sally grew scared when she saw Lauren, “I’m sorry, I need to go to the restroom,” she said and leaving us. I was about to go after her, but Bret told me, “no James, just give her time first.”

“Please Lauren, she’s hurt alright. And please Alexis. I’m sorry for everything I made you go through after our break up. But now I’m fighting for Sally,” I said don’t want any of them to ruin everything again.

“But, we spent so many time together too James, why is it so easy for you to forget what we had. It was a 3 years relationship.” Alexis said.

“I’m sorry, really, I never mean to hurt anyone. But we broke up for a reason, you told me to leave when I want to fix us. Then I met this girl. Got to know more about her. Laughing at her like two idiots. Spending lots of time together. We can just stay in a day long just watch her favorite toy story series without getting bored. I can be myself more when I am with her. Eventhough I know I started to date her cause of a publicity stunt management asked me to, I’m not regretting my choice to take the whole fake dating thing, cause it is what take me to her.” I finally confessed about the whole  publicity stunt thingy.  I still haven’t told anyone yet before Bret, after Sally left, but now she’s coming back, I want to start over everything. Even I know that she might hate me now. But I need to confessed my mistakes. So they all know that Sally didn’t take me for granted, but it was me that take Sally for granted. And I regret it. I can see Bret seems a lil tense after my confession. I understand it if he still mad at me. But I also am proud of Bret who is still stay with me even after knowing my mistakes. And still bring Sally along to meet me today.

I saw Lauren’s shocked face. And Alexis’ flat one.

“What do you mean about the whole publicity stunt and fake dating thingy?” Lauren asked.

I was about to answer it before Bret cut me off. “This brother of yours, who accidentally is my bestfriend too, made an agreement about fake datingg Sally, cause of a picture of him and Sally got so many attention.  And also, Sally didn’t know about this whole thing, until they had a fight about you Lauren, who always intimidate her, Sally wanted to leave James so he can go back fix things with you Alexis, but then your brother  told her that she is a fame whore, then she left, that’s why she was nowhere to be seen in these last couple weeks, I mean who would do or say something like that to a person that they love?” Bret finished his long speech. I sigh and bow my head. How could I be this so heartless person.

“I’m so sorry Bret. I really do regret it.” I said.

“James how could you?” Lauren said

“You both are joking right?” Alexis asked not sure.

I shook my head. “No,say that I’m heartless. I deserve it. But I want to fight for Sally. I can’t just let her go like that. I need to make sure at least she forgive me, even if she doesn’t want to get back together to me.” Then we all when awkward, till Sally entered the room.


I left for good half an hour, then got back to the room cause they need to start their photoshoot, when I walked in they all look so tense. So awkward. So I decided to speak.

“Er, sorry for disturbing you guys, but the photoshoot is going to start,” I said.

I was about to walk out again, before someone grab my wrist, “I’m so sorry, Sally,” Lauren said out of nowhere. I was shocked.

“Er, you did nothing wrong to me,” I said awkwardly.

“I know everything now..”

“What do you mean?”

Thanks for reading, much loves xx

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