Chapter 3

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The Mon Cal freighter's deck-plates buzzed slightly as the ship departed hyperspace, and Jaanu and Delilah had to instantly fight the immense gravity of the black hole as it tugged on the vessel from over two hundred million miles away. The talented dug pilot gripped the yoke with his feet, while the pink-haired navigator made adjustment-after-adjustment to the ship's navi-computer in a seamless effort to keep the freighter on the straight and narrow. Regardless of the pair's qualifications, the passengers, both scientist and mercenary, were in for a bumpy ride. Dust, ice, asteroids and planetary-remains swirled around the black hole like dirty water flowing down a sewer drain, and besides fighting the immense gravity, the two pilots had to dodge any incoming debris that could potentially damage the ship. They were performing flawlessly, when the ship's proximity alarms began flashing.

Since their last trip, the black hole's ever-increasing gravity-well had grabbed two celestial bodies and slammed them into one another, creating a field of swirling rock and iron that the freighter's defense shields would be unable to deflect. The two pilots began furiously resetting instruments and altering flightpaths, but the oncoming danger was simply too large to avoid.

"What is going on?" Yato, one of the three non-pilots on the bridge asked; the other two being Fa'as and Tok Voalus.

"We have an asteroid off our port bow," Delilah yelled. "We need a gunner!"

"[Karsis was a turret operator on a Mandalorian gunship in his youth,]" Fa'as offered.

Yato nodded as he frantically keyed up the intercom. "Karsis, report to the port cannon on C-Deck!"

The merc-crew was sitting in their turbulence seating, most with white-knuckles, when the intercom crackled to life. Upon hearing Yato's urgent call for Karsis, the team's already high anxiety began to elevate. Karsis unbuckled and ran towards the port turret access hatch, followed by Lokis, the chiss lieutenant.

Karsis reached the cannon's actuation seat and strapped in as Lokis peered through the round viewport and instantly surmised the situation.

"Boss, you're going to have to obliterate that chunk of rock," the chiss stated.

Karsis brought up the viewer and nodded, immediately blasting the asteroid's weak points. As it began to disintegrate, it became obvious that there were two more following in its wake. "Does this tub have missiles, or proton torpedoes?" The Mandalorian yelled into the intercom.

"No," Yato answered via commlink, "just triple-shielding and defensive cannons!"

"Boss... I have a suggestion," Lokis said carefully.

"Please don't suggest the Force-girl," Karsis growled. He looked up into the chiss' red eyes, and knew that they had no choice. "Damn... fine. You stay and continue blasting the rocks and I'll go get her."

The mercenary team was still sitting in their seats when Karsis reappeared. He glanced at each of his comrades, and while his eyes carried no fear, the urgency in his demeanor was undeniable. "Cassiopeia, you're with me."

The crew's unease shifted to actual dread; knowing that relying on a Force-user meant that they were in serious trouble; and out of options. Cassi unbuckled and followed her new boss up the lift and to the bridge. Upon entering, she saw the source of the problem through the forward view screens.

"Can you move it?" Karsis asked, although his usual growl had been replaced with a softer tone.

Cassi stared at the massive chunk of rock and iron. "It's a hundred miles across!"

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