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Cassiopeia: Ex-Padawan. Aspiring Bounty Hunter. Stripper?

Around 100 years before the Clone Wars, an overly-emotional young woman was forced to leave the Jedi-Order just as she was about to take her trials to become a full-fledged Knight. Hurt, confused, and yet extremely powerful, Cassiopeia sought alternative employment only to learn that young human females weren't taken too seriously in the dark world of mercenaries and bounty hunters. So, she took the only job that she could find in order to keep food on the table and a roof over her head: Exotic Dancing. The twenty-year-old was somewhat of an exhibitionist to begin with, so dancing nude on a Zero-Gravity table didn't seem to bother her, although she always hoped that it was just a means to an end. Enter the RAIS; the Republic Association of Independent Scientists, who approached the naïve girl with an interesting offer that would catapult her into the realm of planetary exploration, Force-sensitive animals, and mysterious pirates. During her journey, young Cassiopeia would learn that trust is earned, friendships are built brick-by-brick, and despite what she was told: perhaps she did deserve Knighthood after all.

An AU short story from the Star Wars Universe

by: Steve CS

(PG 13 for language, violence, and sexual innuendo)


Chloe Moretz as Cassiopeia

Milla Jovovich as Aliah Doam

Liam Hemsworth as Lokis B'nor

Garrett Wang as Yato Rhe

Ruby Rose as Hannah Linstrom


Ron Perlman as Tok Voalus


Russell Crowe as Karsis Partokian


The two men, one human and the other rodian, strolled cautiously toward the intimidatingly large building. The outer area was lined with trapezoidal columns that stood several stories high, which led to the glass doors that slid horizontally to allow entry to the revered building. The nervous pair were met by a twi'lek female who was adorned with flowing brown robes, although her blue-green lekku rested on her back; disallowing the use of her hood. The pretty, yet serious young woman acknowledged the pair with an emotionless nod, and subtly indicated that they should follow her into the massive structure.

The Jedi Temple rarely allowed outside visitors, but occasional requests were honored as the Jedi Order were the guardians of peace and justice in the Republic. The visitors this day, however, weren't allowed into the towering spire which housed the council's chambers, but instead they were led into a simple conference room on the ground floor. The unsmiling twi'lek showed the pair into the room, which contained large comfortable chairs, but no table. She removed her hands that had been inserted into their opposite sleeves and indicated two of the chairs, and when the two men had sat she bowed respectfully while backing toward the door; spinning and exiting the room without saying a word. The two men sat bewildered, as neither of them had ever encountered a Jedi before, much less visited their exalted home on the planet of Coruscant. Now, here they sat, quietly and nervously awaiting an audience with one of their governing council.

Waiting for a meeting with nobility or the president of a large corporation, or perhaps a simple loan officer at a galactic bank usually took hours, as the men were not deemed important by any means, but the Jedi were none of those aforementioned things. They were efficient counselors and unmatched warriors, and the two visitors had barely gotten comfortable when another cloaked individual entered the room. The Jedi lowered her hood to reveal a togruta, and much like the twi'lek, her orange face revealed no emotion, while her blue and white lekku rested comfortably on her shoulders. The two men rose, and were unsure whether they should offer their hands or bow, so they simply stood awkwardly and waited for the Jedi to speak.

The togruta eyed the two men, and although their attire was respectable she seemed to be judging them nonetheless. "You are from the Republic Association of Independent Scientists?"

"Yes ma'am," the human replied while his rodian companion remained quiet.

"The council is somewhat confused by your request. Could you elaborate?" She asked pleasantly, yet directly.

"Of course. As you may or may not know, a habitable planet that is rich with natural resources was found in the Rekhan Cluster. Unfortunately, due to the distance from the core of the Republic and the dangerous hyper-route to get there, the Republic Colonization Bureau has decided against colonizing it. However... the RAIS requested permission for sole rights to colonize said planet, and as of now we have over 20,000 colonists who wish to create a fresh start far away from the Republic." He stopped, took a hesitant breath and continued. "As you know, the Jedi order has always partnered with the RCB recon teams prior to a full-scale colonization, so we were hoping..." he stopped, wondering if his emotionless host would fill in the blanks.

"I see," she stated flatly. "You do understand that the RCB is a government agency, and as a part of the Republic the Jedi Order is obligated to assist with such matters. The RAIS is a privately funded, independent organization, and therefore we are unable to assist..."

"No, we understand that," the man politely interrupted, "but we aren't asking for a handout. We could pay the Jedi agent, or perhaps donate to the Jedi Order..."

"The Jedi Order is a non-profit origination. My apologies, but you will have to seek help elsewhere."

"But, we need a Jedi!" He protested.

"No, you don't," she corrected. "You simply require someone who is Force-sensitive. There are a number of non-Jedi individuals that would be happy to sell their services. Good day, gentlemen." She then bowed and turned to leave.

"But, where would we find such an individual?" The man asked in exasperation.

"Perhaps a holo-net job posting board?" She replied, almost smugly. "My Padawan will show you out. Good day, gentlemen."

Cassiopeia: An Unconventional HeroWhere stories live. Discover now