Chapter 5: Breaking Point

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A/N: Warning of mentions of suicide.

Word Count: 600

Your Point of View

8 days after you left the bunker...

Dean had been calling you constantly. You kept ignoring all his calls. And messages. And texts.

You didn't want to talk to him. You didn't want him to know what you had done since you left the bunker. You tried to not think about it, but it kept coming back into your mind. The faces of the innocent people you had killed. The pain you inflicted.

You hated what you had done. But most of all... You hated the fact that it gave you pleasure. You hated everything.

You heard your phone buzz for the hundredth time. When you looked down at your phone, tears began to well up in your eyes.

You loved Dean. You loved him with all your heart.

Maybe it wasn't worth it. Maybe none of this was worth it. The Mark was turning you into a killer. you didn't want to see yourself become one of the things you despised most in the world..... A monster.


Dean's Point of View

8 days after Y/N left the bunker...

Buzz, buzz, buzz. Sam picked up his vibrating cell phone.

"Any luck?" He asked.

"Well... we didn't find her, but we did find where she was staying. The blue bird motel off of 23, just outside of Michigan." Dean replied, his hand shaking.

Dean had become very dehydrated and had gotten very little sleep ever since Y/N left the bunker and it was starting to show.

Cas and him began to search the motel room for possible hints of where Y/N could've gone. The motel room was not a pretty sight. There was blood splattered on the floor and dozens of empty bottles of alcohol. By the bed there was an ad for a motel a couple hundred miles east of where they currently were.

"Cas, look at this." Dean said, pointing out the ad to him.

"Let's see if she's there." Cas said. He then grabbed Dean by the shoulder and disappeared into thin air.

The next moment they were in a parking lot outside of a different motel. Dean went to the front desk to see if she had checked in under one of her usual aliases.

A room, number 217, had been bought out for the week by a Miss Bethany Holmes. Dean immediately knew that it had to be Y/N, because she loved reading Sherlock Holmes.

He knocked on the door, but no one answered. He yelled her name through the door. "Y/N!"

No response.

He kicked in the door, shattering it to pieces.

He could see Y/N laying on the floor with a bloody dagger in her hand.

"Y/N!" Dean yelled as he ran over to her. He picked her up and cradled her head in his chest.

"Cas!" He yelled, beckoning Castiel over.

When He got over to Y/N, he touched her and gave Dean a saddened look saying "I'm sorry, Dean."

"No! No! No! NO!"

As Dean screamed out in anger and frustration he pulled up her right sleeve. "This can't be happening! Cas! She can't go through this! She can't become a demon! Not now! Not ever!"

"Let's just get her back to the bunker." Cas said urging him to leave. "Dean, come on."

Dean picked up Y/N in his arms and carried her out. He laid her down gently in the backseat of the impala before speeding off to the bunker.

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