Chapter 29: Roses

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There was something about his eyes, the way he looked at her with such surprise. As if to say;

"I didn't expect to hurt you this easily"


"it wasn't meant to happen this way"

Either way, it did happen and no matter how many times she replayed their meeting in her head there was no escaping it. She was stuck between her wavering thoughts.

Do I want to beg and make him stay or do I want to keep the shred of dignity I have left? Do I have any left at all?

Such questions ran through her head like warning red flags alerting her that her heart was being ripped apart. Her blind leap of faith into love plunged her into a pit of emptiness at the thought being alone again -she wasn't ready.

There was something about his eyes, the way his pupils dilated whenever he looked at someone else, at that girl. At that moment she knew deep down that it was already too late.

"he's gone", she muttered to herself. And with a final goodbye he took a rose.

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