A Long Night

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Meanwhile, Kento, and Mrs. Nekenome have arrived at the Visitor's Centre, all of them bone dry, all thanks to some clever tricks of Kento.

"At least we made it back before the worse of the storm hit." Kento commented.

Just then, Molly, Matthew, Toby, Yuki, and Nathaniel ran up, all of them looking in concern with worry on their faces, and all of them slightly wet from the storm.

"Kento!" Molly sprinted up, and shook his shoulders, picking him off his feet. "Thank god you're alright!"

Kento grabbed her hands, and forced her to let go of him. "Molly, calm down." He sighed. "What's going on?"

"Somebody's shut down all the power in the entire park!" Toby replied with worry in his voice.

That got the Nekenome's attention. If the power to the entire park has gone down, then that means the dinosaurs could be running amok, and their friends could be in mortal danger, or worse.

Soon, they all arrive in the main control room, and met up with John, Muldoon, and Mr. Arnold, who were dealing with computer codes that were affecting the entire park's security system.

"'Keycheck space minus zero'." Mr. Arnold saw the readings, whilst having a cigarette. "'Keycheck's off safety space minus zero'. He's turning the security systems off. Doesn't want anybody to see... Look at this next entry, it's the kicker. 'White rabbit object'..."

"Wait, what does that mean?" Matthew asked.

"Whatever it did, it did it all." Mr. Arnold explained the best that he could to the civilians. "The computer didn't file the keystrokes. So, the only way to find them is to check the computer's lines of code one-by-one."

"How many lines of code are there?" Molly then asked.

"About two million." Mr. Arnold replied, as he took out his cigarette.

"Wow, that's a lot." Toby admitted, as Molly then walked off away from the men.

"Robert, I wonder if perhaps you would be good enough to take a gas jeep and bring back our esteemed guests." John requested to the man behind him.

"I'll come along." Kento said. "My partner is out there, along with Moka, Yukari, and Kurumu."

"Thank you." John nodded to him.

"Sure." Robert then agreed.

"I'm going with you guys." Molly told Kento. "You'll need a good sense of smell."

"We'll need all the help we can get." Kento said.

John watched the three of them then leave as he looked very emotionally worried, whilst the others stayed behind.

"John." Mr. Arnold at the computer got John's attention, as he and the others looked to him. "I can't get Jurassic Park back online without Dennis Nedry."


Speaking of Dennis Nedry, after he filled his Barbasol can with dinosaur embryos, has stolen one of the Jeeps, beginning his escape to the East Dock to get the rest of his pay. However, due to the heavy rainfall, it has disoriented him while he was driving, causing him to drive off the road, and crash into a fallen tree in the nearby forest. Dennis responded to this situation by getting out the jeep's two cable to get it unstuck. While unraveling the car tow, he slipped on the mud he was standing on, which led to him losing his glasses, but something far worse was going to happen to Dennis. While tying the rope to the closest tree, a juvenile Dilophosaurus began to stalk him.

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