Second Introduction

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Adalyn POV

It was the summer after my 4th grade year, my parents split, and I permanently moved in with my dad. Which meant packing up everything that was in my childhood house in Santa Rosa, California and moving to a small town in Texas. My dad owned a restaurant and found this hot new spot to open up a second restaurant in Texas, the heart of BBQ, and BBQ had my dads heart, so it was the perfect situation. Except for me, I left behind my elementary school friends, and headed to a completely different state. I was home schooled up until freshman year when my dad (hypothetically of course) threw me out to the wolves. The wolves being high school. 

It was the first day of high school, not only was it that, but I knew no one. I made my dad take me shopping, or rather he gave me money and drove me to the mall. I got myself a cute outfit, and even some mascara, because this was freshman year. I woke up to go to school, threw on my jeans, a cute tank top type shirt, and sandals. My hair was about shoulder length at this point in time, so I just did a top knot, and put on a couple layers of mascara. My dad drove me to school that morning, and basically every morning after that till I got my license. I walked in and I was absolutely terrified. I managed to find my locker where I had nothing in, but I did find it. Several kids watched me in the hall, and I could feel them talking about me. 

I went through the whole day, and came out alive, and somehow got talked into trying out for the school musical. I sat with this girl named Layla and she was really into theater and she convinced me to audition, they were doing a production of Grease. 

Through that production I met my first boyfriend, and first "love" I suppose. He was Danny and I was Sandy, the new girl got the lead how crazy. Everyone after that would call us Danny and Sandy, probably because they didn't actually remember my name.

We dated for about a year, and then parted ways, we both were so busy and it just wasn't the same as when we first got to know each other. We drove each other crazy. He was a year older, and we really weren't quite sure what "love" was.

Throughout high school I really on had two "serious" relationship, serious only because the first wasn't really serious, but the second was, considering I'm still with him. 

I met some amazing people in high school, and then some not-so amazing people. I met my (still) best friends, Layla and Karlee. And I met Peter, which we've been on and off since senior year in high school. We both kind of drifted apart in college, I went to NPCA, and then went to a fashion internship in Seattle, and then got a job in New York for two years as an event coordinator for Interview magazine. Then I moved back to Oregon and stayed there, and went solo as an Event Planner and personal stylist. I have worked with several celebrities including Oprah, Ed Sheeran, etc. It was crazy. 

When I moved back, Peter had actually moved to the Portland, he had gotten offered an amazing job at a big company, and has been basically saving the world. 

Along side with both of our crazy jobs, we opened a coffee house/ music house together. I lived in the apartment above it. We even had a dog together, we had a German Shepherd named Gracie. Along with Gracie, I had a Corgi named Ellie, a Bernese mountain dog named Bear, and had a bulldog names Bud. I was kind of dog obsessed. 

I was still best friends with my high school best friends. Karlee was usually on tour, but I took every opportunity to see her shows. Layla worked for my coffee shop, when I couldn't be there, she did a lot of artwork for us. I saw her quite frequently, 

Life was pretty hectic for the most part.

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