Reality of a Popstar

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Karlee POV

The magical trip to Napa was over, and it deeply depressed me because I was back to my same old house, that I never really went to, but I was away from Jessie. I missed him already. I was becoming an overly attached "girlfriend".

I was back to "Normal" life, which for me was waking up early, hitting the midtown gym, which was right next to my place in Seattle. I would sometimes stop and grab a coffee, and then go to the recording studio, it was kind of a quad type place where all of us would meet. Us being My guitarist Jones, my drummer Kanata, and my tambourine player Sophia. We'd mostly talk goals, and then sometimes they'd result in some intense games or trashketball. Then after a few hours of being at the studio I'd usually get some Chinese takeout, head back home, and have Netflix marathons and catch up on vlogging or something.

Today was a different day, I was meeting up with the girls for a Christmas party, it was a week before Christmas, and Ads and Peter leave for New York on Friday.

My alarm buzzed at around 8:30, which meant I had to get up. I had a hair appointment at 9:30, and then was meeting up with Adalyn so she could help find me a dress, I loved having a best friend who was a stylist, it made my life a hell of a lot better.

I slipped on a pair of jeans, and then put a big shirt on, probably one of my high school shirts, I just picked one up off the ground by my closet. I put on some ugg boots, and out the door I went.

I went down to the garage, and started up my basically frozen car. The weather was insanely cold right now, I had to drive from Seattle to the border of Oregon to go to my hair stylist, and then on to Portland.


"Hey, come in, come in" Adalyn said opening her door. Her big German shepherd immediately came up and gave me kisses.

"Gracie," I heard Peter call from the back room, then Gracie scurried off back there.

"So I laid out a few outfits for you, that I had in my collection. I feel like this red one would look so good on you" She said pointing to a skin tight red dress with glitter all over it.

"I like it, I'll go try it on"


After an afternoon of trying on dresses, only to go with the first dress, the red sparkly one, we were finishing up makeup, hair, and Adalyn was sitting in the bathtub shaving her legs.

"Are you guys almost ready?" Peter said standing outside the closed bathroom door.

"Yeah definitely" Ads said, it was prom night all over again.

"I'm going to the limo downstairs where Layla and Landon are. I'm giving you guys 15"

"Alright" I said.

Adalyn slipped on her golden sparkly dress, that had a tutu like material on the hem, and then put on her black pumps. Her hair in a ponytail, and it was all nicely curled.

We both grabbed out purses and headed downstairs. We saw the limo through the glass, Peter was standing outside of it by the door. He opened the door for us, and I slipped in, and looked to say hi to Layla, and there he was. Jess, in a nice tux.

"Jessie, What are you doing here?" I said smiling, to the point my cheeks started to hurt.

"I wanted to surprise you, I see I did" He said grabbing me in for a hug.

"So who's excited for a VIP Christmas party" Peter said.

"I know I am" we all basically said in unison.

"That's so cool Adalyn that you got these tickets, this will be my first American Party" Landon said.

"Americans do it best" Adalyn said pulling out cups and champagne.

"I'll drink to that" I said.


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