Awards, I do's, and more

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Adalyn POV 

We had our bags packed and at the door ready to be stuffed into the trunk of a taxi that headed to the Portland International Airport. I was finishing getting food for the dogs, and making sure to write a thorough list for Layla, who was to stay at our house while we were away. Even though we would only be gone for three days, and she had dog sat a million times. 

Peter came out with his hair a little bit of a mess, and in sweatpants and heavy hoodie. He looked like he had just rolled out of bed, which wasn't far from the truth, but he was still cute. He smiled at me as I stood in the kitchen packing together things. I smirked and continued on. 

"Alright, so I have my bags, and you have your 700 bags, are you about ready?" He said approaching me and grabbing me from behind. 

"Yeah, just let me say goodbye to my babies." 

"You've said goodbye like 17 times, You'll be back in like two days." 

"Just let me live my life." I smiled. 


"Next" yelled a grumpy security officer, who looked like they had been at the airport for too long. 

I walked through the medal detector and then grabbed my belongings on the other side. 

"Our gate is up there on the right hand side, there's a Starbucks right by there" Peter said grabbing his backpack. 

"Good to know" I said slipping on my shoes. 


"We have arrived to JFK airport, the current temperature is 36 degrees Fahrenheit and has a low of 22, and a high of 42. The time is currently 3:15 pm on Friday December 23rd." 

"We made it" Peter looked at me with his big eyes and smiled, and leaned in and pecked my cheek. 


I had just applied the last of my makeup, and undid my hair from the clip. I slipped on my burgundy lace dress that was an A-line dress with sleeves, it had a low cut in the back, I loved it, I felt like an absolute princess. It had hints of gold sparkles at the top. I braided the sides of my hair back into a half up half down look. 

I walked out of the cramped hotel bathroom, and saw Peter. He was fixing his suit in a mirror above the desk by the window. His hair was short and super handsome, he wore a red button up, under a black jacket, and had a black bowtie. This all threw me back to when we went to prom. He still made me feel like that. Like teenagers in love. 

He turned and saw me, and his jaw nearly dropped, 

"Wow" He said completely shocked. 

"Wow yourself" I said coming over and fixing his suit for him. He was a man and all. 

"Do a twirl for me" He smiled. I resisted and then giggled and twirled and felt the train of the dress chase after me. That princess feeling continued. 

I sat down on the edge of the bed and slipped on my gold sparkly heels, that were perfect height to where I wasn't too tall for Peter. 

"You ready?" He said helping me up off the bed.

"Of course" 


"Reservation for Lancor, should be two" I said 

"You are on the list, Shane will be up here to assist you to your seats" The usher said. I'm sure for this high class event its not an usher, but whatever. 

"Shane, this is Mrs and Mr Lancor, would you please assist them to their seats?" the usher said to this skinny teenage looking boy. 

"Yes sir" The boy smiled at us, and showed us to our seats, which were super close to these gorgeous stairs, sort of like the ones in princess diaries, where they are on both sides. 

"Can I take your coats?" The boy asked as we were about to be seated. I had a huge winter coat, and Peter has a large coat on as well.

"Thank you" We said and handed them to him and took a seat. 

Most people had already arrived and had been served drinks. People were chatting, I saw alot of famous fashion designers, and important figures, I even thought I spotted Michelle Obama. 


"Hello Everyone and welcome to the 75th annual Crowning Ceremony, I see some familiar and some unfamiliar but familiar faces. We'd like to thank all of you for attending, and would like to tell you what this crowning ceremony is about. It's a time where some of the most cherished artists and figures get crowned for their excellence, its a very secret thing that happens, and for some of you who are wondering whats the big deal with the crown, along with the crown everyone that recieves an award gets a gift essentially, or maybe more than one, and for all of you, you all recieve a goodie bag and a chance to meet some people that are just like you and socialize and talk business. Well now that I've talked your ear off, without further ado, here is Jasmine Sparken with Jasmine Enterprises to start the crowning ceremony with a prayer." 


The ceremony was finally started, the lights went out, and lights outlines the staircase, and at the top a few people stood in white dresses, and had fairy crowns on. 

"We'd like to invite Georginia Tatianna Logern to the staircase, she will be escorted up with James Ralph Logern, she will be accepting a "Race to Heaven" award that is for her good deeds, in the past two years she has completeled 9036 hours of community service hours" We watched as Georginia and James went up to the top where a crown was given and then a envelope and a bag. 


Several more awards were given out. 

"This next award is to be presented to Adalyn Trinity Grace Lancor, she will be escorted by Peter Zayn Bayrich. She will be accepting the "Chasing Success" Awards for her accomplishments in the field of both being a Humanitarian and her successful Event Planning career, that ranks her 1st in the nation. " I stood up absolutely in shock, Peter basically had to carry me up there. I shook the hands of television star Chris Harrison, Michelle Obama, and some famous business woman.  I got a crown, and a heavy envelope and a heavy bag as well. I still couldn't believe it, I was barely breathing. 

I walked down the staircase linked with peter and we went back to our seats. I had the biggest smile on my face, and peter leaned in when we got in our seats, and whispered "I'm so proud of you baby, you are a rock star" Then kissed me. 


The rest of the night was crazy, we ate dinner, it was light and fancy food, that peter definitely didn't enjoy. Then we went to the ballroom for a reception, which had old school music, and lots of talking. By this point I had changed into my less formal outfit, which was a black dress, that was a high low romper. It was low on the side and low in the back, and was kind of sexy I guess. 

Peter and I had made some rounds, and I was out dancing with some girls I had met, and Peter was staying close behind me. 

He disappeared a few times here and there, and then I couldn't find him for a good five minutes and the lights cut out and the music stopped. Then these fairy lights turned on and lanterns floated around, and flakes of snow started to fall. And then a cheesy love song came on. I saw a figure walk onto the stage into the mic. The spotlight came on him, it was Peter? Then out came Layla, Karlee, Aurora, and Dalia. With their phones recording. 

"Hi everyone, I'm peter, I know none of you know or care to know who I am, but I wanna just say how proud I am to be dating this beautiful girl, Ads will you get up here" 

All the girls I was hanging out were practically pushing me up onto the stage. 

"Ads, you are amazing, you are one of the most caring and strong people I know, you make life fun, I don't know what I would've done without you all these years, we've had our ups and downs, but I've always known you were the one for me. I knew when we went to this, hell I knew when we were in high school. So with that being said" He got down on one knee, and I felt the tears coming from my eyes, "Adalyn Trinity Grace Lancor, will you do me a great honor and marry me?" He said and pulled open this black velvet box with the most beautiful ring, I of course dragged him up and said yes, I said yes about a hundred times. 

He slipped the ring on my finger, and picked me up into a big hug, and the crowd cheered. I forgot we had a audience. Then the lights came back on. 

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