21)...and a packet of razorblades

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Ellie PoV:
When I woke up in the next morning, Joel was sleeping on the small sofa in the hospital room. Teddy lay on the floor next to him. I didn't want to wake Joel up, so I decided to stay quiet. At first, I didn't even feel the pain in my shoulder but when I turned around to look out of the window, I inhaled sharply. Even though it was way better than yesterday, it still hurt. I looked down on my shoulder and saw the big plaster and the compress on the stitched wound. Suddenly a doctor came in. Of course he woke up Joel. "Oh, your awake. Good. How do you feel?" "Good, comparing to yesterday." "Thats great. I just have to check out your wound and put you off the infusions and devices. Then you can go. But don't walk around alone at first, in case you start feeling dizzy.",he said with enthusiasm. "Good morning Joel.", I said to Joel who stretched his body." "Morning",he mumbled. The doctor got over to me and checked out my wound and put down the plaster, so I could see the wound. He disinfected it, what stinged like hell. But the wound wasn't swollen. That's good. He put a fresh plaster on the wound, which was a little smaller than the one before. He pulled the needle out of my vein and released me off all the devices and I tried to get up. I stood on my feet, but I felt very dizzy at first. I took my sweatshirt and my jean and went into the bathroom. I washed my face and dressed me like I was dressed before. Kind of gross with the bloodstains all over the clothes. I got out, took Teddy and said goodbye to the doctor. He told Joel some stuff about my health and when I have to come here again to check on the wound again. Joel got some kind of painkillers for me against headache and other side effects. I took Teddy, everything I had when we got there and we left the hospital. Joel showed me the way to our apartment. Thank god it wasn't that far away from the hospital. "We can go check out that store and get you some clothes and other things you need. We also need food.", Joel said when he walked next to me. "Yeah, we can do that but let's go home first and leave our things there.", I answered. We got to the house and entered our apartment. I let Teddy go and he tabbed around and explored his new home. The flat wasn't very big, but it was comfortable. It also had a small TV and a radio. Joel took one bedroom and I took the other one. I put all the weapons and ammunition into a cupboard. Then I put my backpack onto the bed, took Teddys leash and put it on him. Before we went to the store, I fed and watered Teddy. Then Joel locked the flat and we went to the store. There were lots of clothes, food, hygiene products and other stuff. We took some food like meat, vegetables, canfood, sweets,eggs and drinks. Then we took food for Teddy. We also bought a dog-shampoo for him. I really needed to bathe him the next few days. I went into the cloth-department and took some shirts, jeans, leggins, sweatshirts, sweatpants, underwear, socks, a pair of shoes, a dress and a jacket. Joel took some clothes, too. Then I took hygienic products like a toothbrush and toothpaste, a hairbrush and some hairbands, shampoo and shower gel, tampons...and a packet of razorblades. We put all the stuff into bags and left the store. I had two very big bags full of stuff that belonged to me. "I can't believe that's all for free",I uttered. Back at our flat, I went into my room and put the clothes into the closet, the hygienic products into the bathroom and stowed the other things, too. Joel put the food into the kitchen when my stomach grumbled. "Should I make us some food?",I asked Joel. "Can you cook?", he answered. "No, but how hard can it be? I helped Mum sometimes with dinner or lunch." I found a cookbook in a drawer. I got into the kitchen and turned on the stove. I took a pan out of a drawer and made us ham and eggs. I wasn't a masterchef but my cooking skills were enough to keep Joel and me fed.


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