Chapter 1 : The Theater (part 1)

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Nichole was a very dark and depressed girl. Everything she owned was black, gray, red or sometimes blue.Those were her favorite colors.Her playlists were full of Black Veil Brides, Sleeping With Sirens, Hollywood Undead etc. She was fourteen and in her freshman year of highschool. Nichole tried avoiding talking to the other students in the school as much as possible. But everyone needs a friend. Her best friend's name was Zach. He was just a little older. He was sixteen and into the same music as her so they had something to bond over. They were really close.They spent everyday together. They were about half way through the school year when Zach started developing feelings for Nichole. They were sitting in class next to each other like always. But something was different.He looked over at her and all he could do was smile. He felt happy, really happy. They had been best friends for five years and he had never thought of her as something more than just a friend. But his heart was beating fast, his mind was racing. He felt his palms getting sweaty. He raised his hand and asked to go to the bathroom. The teacher aloud it.When he got in the bathroom he went straight to the sink and turned on the cold water and splashed it in his face. He looked up, in the mirror. All he saw was a boy with no chance. He didn't see his black hair and his band T. He saw a failure. He thought he was dumb. He had no idea what was going on at all. He just stood there staring blankly into the mirror. Silently insulting himself. Slowly tearing himself down. All of the sudden the silence was broken. A boy walked in his name was Anthony. He walked over to Zach slowly and said "Hey, Man the teacher needs you back in class now." Zach snapped back into reality and walked back to class. When he got back he sat back down next to Nichole. Anthony was sitting behind them next to some girl that's in a couple of their classes. Anthony was a tall boy. He was smart, charming and funny all the girls were drooling over him. Except Nichole, she didn't really show interest in anybody. All of the sudden Zach feels a tap on his left shoulder. He turned his head and responded to the tap with a calm "yeah?" Nichole giggled and said softly "Ya know what I just realized?" Zach thought for a second or two then shrugged and responded with "what?" Nichole turned and screamed "I love Youth and Whiskey!" Zach had spaced out so all he had heard was I love you. He started blushing and asked "you do?" Excitedly Nichole said "YES! Youth and Whiskey from Black Veil Brides is amazing!" At that moment he had realized what she had really said. He played it off like nothing happened and just agreed. From behind them they heard a bang and a gasp. The both sprung to their feet and turned around to see what the commotion was. Anthony was on the ground. He had fainted from dehydration. When he stood up to pass in his paper he started feeling really dizzy and just dropped. Nichole rushed over to help him up, and since she was already helping him she decided to just walk him down to the nurse's office and she was going to stay with him the whole time until he was ready to go to his class. On the way to the office he felt dizzy again so Nichole walked him over to the water fountain. He took a drink and they continued to walk down to the nurse's office. While they were at the nurse's office their class ended. Zach texted Nichole and asked her if she wanted him to get her stuff for her and leave it in their next class. She replied with "sure but, I might be a little late just tell the teacher I'm in the nurse's office. If I'm not there in time." They had 5 minutes in between each class to get organized and use the bathrooms. So by the time Anthony was ready to go back they had about three minutes until they needed to be in class. Nichole walked him to Algebra since that was his next class. She looked up, into his blue eye's, and said "You feeling ok?" He looked back down at her. He say that look of pain and fear. But he also saw innocence a beauty. He saw an opportunity for her to be happy and her kindness was the way in. He told her "I am now." Then put his arm around her waist pulled her in and kissed her. At that exact moment Zach is walking over to bring Nichole to their next class. But then he sees them kissing. He runs off to the boys bathroom. Rips open the stall door, slams it shut. He locks the door. He walks over to the side of the stall that has just a plain tile wall. He kicks the wall as hard as he can. He stands there for a minute. Then falls to the ground. He is in so much pain. He can't comprehend why it's hurting him so much. At that point he didn't even know what love was. But he still cried for the first time in five years. What he missed when he ran to the bathroom was Nichole ended up pushing Anthony away then running to the girls bathroom. She paces back and forth, freaking out. She didn't know what to do now. She liked Zach not Anthony but now Anthony had kissed her. But then she thought for a little while. She thought Zach would never like her too. She decided to just let, whatever was going to happen, happen. She calmed herself down and made her way out of the empty bathroom down the hall and to Anthony. She apologized to him for running off. She explained that she just got nervous and that she had never kissed anyone before. He chuckled and asked her if she would like to go to the movies later that day. She thought for a minute. She couldn't remember if she already had plans or not. After a minute she realized she was suppose to hang out with Zach. But figured it would be fine to skip one day because they hung out all the time. So she said she was free and she could go. Anthony told her he would pick her up a little before it started then they both went to class.

(posting part two at same time these are just kind of long) 

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