End of the Knife Squad (Ryguyrocky x Goldy_MC)

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This is dedicated to slabcat and his book Ryan x Goldy.  I'm just making a spin off of it.  Read his first,  though.


Christmas is upon the Daycare.  Ryan Damon,  a 4 year old boy,  and incredibly smart,  walks up to the Daycare,  humming a Christmas tune. 

Ryan had his backpack,  with his trusty shotgun inside,  and knives he got from his best friend,  Tina.

He stops at the door,  hoping that for once,  Goldy didn't spam the entrance with mobs.

And with a sigh,  he went into the Daycare.

He was surprised to find no entities in the entrance,  besides for a Christmas tree,  and a present in the shape of a box on Thomas' desk.

Curious,  he walked over the present and read the tag,  which said:

"To Ryan,
From,  Goldy"

He had a small blush on his face,  and immediately and carefully unwrapped the present.  Inside the wrapped gift was a scarf.  Which is convenient,  since Ryan recently lost his.

Ryan looks at this and smiles softly.  "Man,  even though I'm a jerk,  she would still go all this way to get me this?  Maybe me and Tina are the jerks,  not Goldy."  He realizes,  feeling guilty for everything.

'I got to thank Goldy and apologize for everything!  But...  where is she?'  Ryan thought to himself,  when he suddenly heard screaming from the backyard.

When he ran out,  though,  he found Derp and Cookie trying to start a fire,  Tina and the rest of the Knife Squad waiting impatiently,  and Goldy,  who was tied to a wooden pole in front of a tree.

"TINA!  WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?!"  Ryan was clutching the scarf,  anger filling him seeing what Tina is doing.

She turned around and smiled,  ignoring his question.  "Hi,  cutie!"  Tina says,  oblivious of the angry Ryan in front of her.

Ryan angrily waves his arms in Goldy's direction, still holding the scarf. Tina walks over to Ryan while explaining. "Well, Goldy got you this apparently, and I won't stand for it! It's disgraceful and ugly for your taste, Ryan." She says.

Tina then suddenly takes the scarf out of Ryan's hand and goes over to the fire. "Well, you probably don't want this, so into the fi-" Before she can finish her sentence, Ryan threw one of his throwing knives at the scarf and stuck onto the tree.

Tina give Ryan a look of surprise,  and then says,  "Okay,  you may not want me to do that,  but I know you want to kill Goldy!"  She smirks,  knowing that Ryan would do it.  'He hates Goldy,  and loves ME.'  She thinks,  proudly telling herself.

Ryan looks up at Goldy.  Her expression wasn't angriness.  It wasn't fury.  It wasn't disappointment.  It...  it was acceptance.  He turned away,  not wanting to see her face.  "I'm sorry."  He says,  loud enough for everyone to her.

Goldy shuts her eyes,  awaiting impact,  which she got,  but not in the way she thought.  When she opened her eyes,  she was on the ground with no wounds whatsoever,  besides the bruises from the Knife Squad.  When she looked up,  Ryan's Knife was on the podium,  which cut the rope.

Everyone was dumbfounded.  Tina suddenly broke the silence.  "GET HER!!!!!!!!"  She hollered at the top of her lungs.  Everyone started to get near Goldy,  knife in hand,  when a gunshot rung out followed by Ryan shouting,  "EVERYBODY,  STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!"


"Tina,  stop all of this."  Ryan commands,  stepping in front of Goldy,  slinging his shotgun over his shoulder.

Tina,  whose starting to get peeved with Ryan,  tries to muster her usual cutesy voice with him.  "Cutie,  can you please move so I can kill Goldy?"

"No."  Ryan says,  standing his ground.

Tina's taken aback from the response she got.  "NO?!?"  She yells,  surprised.  "I'm sorry,  Ryan,  but nobody tells me no."  Tina states matter-of-factly.

Ryan falters for a moment, clearly shaken by her tone, but stays strong. "Well, there's always a first time for everything." Ryan says, putting on the most cocky grin he could manage.

Tina growls her usual growl, letting out some steam, where all of a sudden, Unicorn Mann runs out of his tower. "My tea's finally ready! My tea's finally re- oh, wait, it's just Tina." He yells, clearly disappointed that his tea isn't ready, and goes back into his tower.

Tina gives Ryan a glare, since he was chuckling at Unicorns remark, and then she yells, "Fine! We're through! Hang out with the traitor!" Tina then gets inches away from Ryan's face. "This isn't over." She hisses.

Ryan takes this opportunity to do something he always wanted to do. In one swift motion, he takes his shotgun, cocks it, and fires it... right next to Tina's left ear, causing a loud ring. "Ughh!" She exclaims, stomping back into the Daycare room, clearly looking peeved.

After that,  Ryan turns around and hugs Goldy,  whose taken aback by it.  Ryan then breaks down into tears and tells her,  "I'm so sorry for how I treated you.  I really am.  I won't do it again,  I promise."

Goldy is in shock, but returns the hug and starts sobbing hard when Ryan stops.  "I forgive you,  man,  but you don't know all of the pain I went through for this."  Ryan doesn't say anything,  and lets her continue.  "You...  don't know..  how hard...  it is...  to die repeatedly...  and come back again."  She says in between sobs.

Ryan stops hugging her for a second,  to Goldy's dismay,  and gets the scarf.  He then comes back and wraps it around both of them and hugs her,  tighter then before.  "Well I'll tell you one thing Goldy."  He says.  "I'll never let you go again."  He says before kissing her on the lips.  She kisses back,  and fireworks go off in both of their heads.  When they come up for air,  Goldy sits in Ryan's lap,  cuddling with him,  and Ryan holds her tight,  never wanting to let go again.


Wow!  1036 words!  This is the most EVER!!!!!!  That deserves a round of applause!

Anyway,  remember to vote this and comment what Ryguyrocky shipping you want next, but until then,  Stay Awesome!

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