Not The Ryan x Tina You Expected, Huh?

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You all have PROBABLY been waiting for a new chapter for a few months now.


I'll make it up to you with a Ryan ship.

So enjoy,  the Ryan x Tina fanfic.

Also, mild Ryan x Goldy, since they HAVE made up in this.


Tina's P.O.V


Ahhhh, Ryan's adorable voice. It brightens my day so much.

And with no one here except me and Ryan, he'll finally be mi-

"Hey, Unicorn! Hey, Goldy!"


They're HERE?!?

Oh, there gonna be sorry when I get to them.

But just play it cool. I don't want Ryan to get mad at me.

Be cool...

But then Goldy says something that makes me explode.

Ryan's P.O.V

"Goldy, Unicorn, What are you two doing?" I ask them, clearly seeing something that's weird. Even for them.

Goldy stands up and wraps her arm around my shoulder, like a bro. "We're trying to get Tina to stop being such a bully. Wanna join?"

I'm about to say yes, but then I hear Hell break loose.

"WHAT?!???!?" Tina stomps down with a switchblade in hand, and then Tina sees Goldy with her arm around me.

"Uh, Goldy? You should run." I whisper, and she takes off.

Tina starts after her, but I stop her, quickly.

Now, I'm trying to stop a fight from escalating, and save someone from dying, and how do I get thanked?

With a knife in my gut.

The last thing I see is Tina's shocked face.

Tina's P.O.V

"Nonononononononononononononono..."  I'm freaking out right about now.

I stabbed my cutie,  Goldy had her ARM around him,  and Unicorn's not doing ANYTHING!!!!

Then Goldy comes back,  and I yell at her,  in tears.

"SEE WHAT YOU DID?!?"  I point at a Ryan's body.  "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!!!!!"  I grab the knife,  and almost stab Goldy.

"TINA!!!  STOP IT!!!!"

Oh right,  we can respawn.

Ryan grabs the knife out of my hand and throws it back,  and then Unicorn shouts,  "Ow,  my leg!"

"Sorry,  dude."  Ryan yells back,  then turns to me again.  "Tina,  what are you doing?"

I smile innocently.  "I'm gonna kill Goldy so you and I can be together forever!"

Ryan grabs me and pushes me away from her.  "Tina,  I've told you this god-knows-how-MANY times now.  You and I are not gonna date.  Now now.  Not EVER.  ESPECIALLY after trying to kill my friend!"

I tilt my head.  "But I tried to kill Goldy,  not your friend."  I say.

"Goldy IS my friend,  Tina.  And you were too."  He goes over to the door.  "But not anymore."

Ryan's P.O.V

After telling her that we're not friends anymore,  I feel a sharp pain in my leg.

I look down and find a knife lodged in there.  Then I turn around to see Tina maniacally start laughing.

"Oh,  Ryan."  She says walking over to me.  "Your wrong."  She sits on my chest and takes the knife out of my leg.  The pain causes me to scream,  only to get cut off by Tina's  lips hitting mine.  I struggle to pull away,  but to no avail.  When she pulls away,  she throws the knife at the wall,  and it sticks there.

"You are gonna be mine..."

She then whispers in my ear.



God,  that was hard.

To be 100% honest,  this too a long time,  but I'm proud of it so far.

But,  there's gonna bee a part 2,  but until then,  Stay Awesome.

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