Kat vs. Angel vs. Lizzy

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This is kind of filler,  but I had this idea,  so bear with me.



Ryan's P.O.V.

Me and Sabre are talking about video games when we suddenly hear footsteps.

Four pairs of footsteps.

Sabre and I look at each other,  snickering,  knowing what's about to happen.

Shark suddenly bursts into the room,  before stopping to catch his breath.  A few seconds later,   Kat,  Angel, and Lizzy run in and pile on top of Shark,  basically crushing him.

We hear Shark's muffled scream,  followed by a surprisingly clear sentence.  "You 3 are crushing me and Nemo!"  The girls then get off off Shark,  except Angel.  She's clinging onto his shoulders,  not letting go.

He looks over at us,  signaling  us to help him,  and we pry her off of his back.  After I did,  I noticed something I'd never thought be imaginable.

Shark's fin is bent.  And he looks mad about it.

Angel glared at us after we got her off of Shark.  "Come on!  Why'd you do that!?  He's my boyfriend!"

Lizzy shoves Angel a little.  "No,  he's MY boyfriend!"

Kat then shoves both Angel and Lizzy,  speaking up.  "No,  Shark's MINE!"

They all then start arguing,  saying that they're Sharks girlfriend,  when we hear someone yell at the top of their lungs.


Shark's P.O.V.


Me yelling was enough to get them to stop their petty little argument.  The downside though is waking Sal up,  but I don't care about that at the moment.

With everyone's heads turned towards me,  I had to air on the side of caution.

But again,  I don't care at the moment.

I step in between the 3 girls,  breaking them apart.  "None of you are my girlfriends!  You all are arguing over something so petty,  that it's really annoying!!!!  I want to just spend my time here at daycare like any other day,  without you all bombarding me with hugs and kisses!!!  I'm tired of getting tackled by you three!!"  I then point to my fin.  "You bent my fin for gods sake!"

Silence followed for what felt like years.  When in actuality,  it was only 1 or 2 minutes.

"Shark,  I'm so sor-"  Kat starts,  trying to grab one of my hands.  But before she could get another word out,  I jerk my hand away and storm out of the room, leaving everyone speechless.

Before leaving the daycare, I hear Kat starting to sob, and Thomas ringing his bell, until I yank it off of his desk.

"GIVE ME BACK MY BELL!" He shouts at me, but then notices the mood I'm in and sighs. "Okay, Shark, I'll let this go this once. But bring it back tomorrow."

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