Chapter 15 : Suddenly

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"You are getting married today!" Michelle gave me a big smile.

"What is the year now...?"


Mon Dieu! It's 2 years since I left! What the freaking hell happened which made me walk into the church with Francis?

"Cara, you alright?" Francis was looking at me.

"Ya, I'm alright." I said, "got to get changed."

Then, me, Michelle and Lien started heading to the changing room to get changed for the wedding.

In the changing room, I put myself into thoughts again.


Why so sudden?
Why so strange?
I was 16 then I'm 18.
All I know is that,
The wedding bells are going to chime
Suddenly I was gone, suddenly I was here.
What on earth has happened to me...


I finished changing and put on the makeup and hairstyle. Then it's time, time to face the truth that I have already grown up and capable to be a wife.


Everyone was getting seated in the church. I was hiding in a curtain, observing this jolly occasion, while every country attended were talking about us.

I looked at the people behind the veil. They were chatting happily, while Francis was greeting the guests in the place.

Thank god, thank god.
I lived to see this day.

I was delighted and blessed. He is the love of my life, my prince in a white horse. He is such a kind and gentle person, that girls would like to have for life. And now, I am the lucky girl.

The wedding chimes chimed. Everyone was seated.

I was greeted by the wedding march, whilst holding Matthew's arm. Francis was standing at the other end of the aisle, looked happy to see a beautiful me walking towards him.

Matthew put my hand to Francis's. I looked at my "fiancé" and gave him a soft smile. He looked at me and smiled back. Then the preacher started to speak.

"Now, this pair of a loving couple is going to make the vow under the name of god. My fellow brothers and sisters, speak now if you don't approve this couple."

The people were focusing on us, whilst the priest spoke,

"Will you, Mr. Francis Bonnefoy take Ms. Cara Chan as your legally wedded wife, and promised to love her, protect her and trust her no matter what circumstances?"

Francis said, "yes."

"Will you, Ms. Cara Chan take Mr. Francis Bonnefoy as your legally wedded husband, and promised to love him, protect him and trust him no matter what circumstances?"

I said, "I swear to God-"

As I was going to say the word, suddenly, someone broke into the place and shouted, "I disapprove of this marriage!"

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