Chapter 3 : A Nice Dinner

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"Here's the supplies store, here's the restaurant..." Matthew showed me around the neighbourhood. I looked around and said, "such a nice place."

He said, "yes it is."

"So you guys all living in this town?" Matthew nodded.

"That's awesome!" I asked, "so... who lives near us?"

"My brother, you know who he is." Matthew sat on a park bench, let go a small sigh.

"Alfred..." I sat beside him.

"Yeah... he's kinda annoying, to be honest."

"He likes making issues too."

"I know... and you know, I always being mistaken with him..."

"That's bad." I gazed at the view and sighed. 

He checked the time and said, "wait... we have to get back home now. Dinner is coming and we're having dinner with my family."

"That's nice!" I exclaimed, "I would like to meet your family too!"

"That's great. I thought you'll not like my dad... He's really flirty and pervy."

"I see."

We stood up and walked back to his house.

When we got back to his house, I got back to the room and changed my uniform. I walked out the guest room and helped Matthew prepare for the dinner.

The things were all set. I relaxed on the couch, reading a book. Then the doorbell rang, I went to respond the door.

I opened the door and saw a tanned, dark-haired girl smiling at me. Her hair was tied with two attractive red bows. I quickly recognized that was the personification of Seychelles. She is much shorter than I thought.

"Welcome." I gave out a friendly smile. Matthew walked out from the kitchen and said, "hi, Michelle!"

"Hey, Matthew!" She rushed into the house and gave Matthew a bear hug. I looked at them and smiled.

She asked, "who's that girl who respond the door?"

"Hi. I'm Cara. It's nice to meet you." I gave her a friendly smile.

"I am Michelle, perhaps you've already known me as Seychelles." She shook my hand gently.

"You are so cute!"


Another dark-haired girl walked into the house. She got a paler skin than Michelle, looked like an Asian. "Hey, guys."

"Hey, Lien! She's Ingrid! She will have dinner with us!" Michelle patted my back.

"Hello." I smiled and said, "nice to meet you, Lien. I am Cara."

"Nice to meet you too." Lien gave me a slight bow.

The doorbell rang again as I was chatting with the girls. Matthew went to respond the door. I saw three fairly tall blonde men walked into the house. One of them has thick eyebrows. one of them has glasses and a cowlick on his head, and another one got a hairstyle which is similar to mine. (What a coincidence!)

I heard the one with the long hair said, "Lucille is coming with her boyfriend now."

"That's great." Matthew smiled at them.

"Who's that chick over there?" Someone has noticed me. It's America, the one with a cowlick on his head.

"Oh. That's Ingrid. She is that Instagram blogger who we always talk about."

Matthew was chatting with the two short-haired blondes. Lien was reading her book, while Michelle was running around the house, as energetic as usual. I sat on the couch, waiting patiently. Someone approached me.

"Bonjour Mademoiselle." I turned around and saw a guy with shoulder-length blonde hair and blue eyes.

'Wait... is that Francis Bonnefoy? God, that's France, looks flirty, always attempt to take the girl's virginity, taking their virginity flawlessly... fine. Don't think about it.' I calmed myself and gave him a friendly smile, greeted, "Bonjour."

He said, "you're more beautiful than I thought..."

I stared at him. Well, I am not good at dealing with those compliments, so I just stared at the guy.

"U-Uh why you're staring at me?" He asked, "being stunned by my face~?" He looked closer to me. I deadpanned, "I'm sorry that I want to go to the washroom."

"Ma chérie don't you want to-- ouch!" I flicked his forehead and went to the washroom for a face wash.

God. That frog was annoying! Now I should settle my emotions and have dinner with those people I have just met.

"Dinner is ready!" Everyone sat at the dinner table and had the dinner. I sat beside Michelle and Matthew. The guy who tried to flirt with me sat opposite me, beside him was a girl with long blonde hair with glasses and a teenage boy. He also got blonde hair, with bangs covers part of his face (kinda resembles Viktor Nikiforov from Yuri On Ice). Those two people must be the personifications of Monaco and Luxembourg.

The dishes arrived in front of us, one by one. Michelle asked, "how's the food?"

I replied, "I like the exotic dishes. They taste good."

I continued enjoying the food. Well, I felt a bit uncomfortable, seemed someone was watching me eat. I thought to myself, 'stop thinking about it... ignore that...'

After dinner, we all stayed at Matthew's house for a while. Michelle introduced that girl with glasses to me. "So... this is Lucille, and this is Cara." I nodded and said, "nice to meet you, Lucille."

She said, "nice to meet you too, Cara."

I smiled at her. Lucille pulled his boyfriend to her and said, "well, this is my boyfriend, Henri. Henri, this is Ingrid."

"Hallo." Henri gave us a bright smile. Michelle exclaimed, "Awwwww Lucille and Henri you two are so cute together!"

"Thanks." The girl smiled.

I asked, "Lucille, do you know who's that guy who tried to flirt me?"

"Oh! That's my brother, Francis, or you may know him as France. I'm sorry that he makes you uncomfortable... he's like that."

"Oh I see... so the guy with big eyebrows is Arthur and the guy with a cowlick on his head is Alfred, aren't they?"

"Yep." Michelle said, "and they are England and America. Canada and America were raised by France and England together."

"I see. That's cool."

After a chat with the girls, the visitors all left the house. "See you tomorrow!" Matthew and I waved goodbye, then walked into the house for cleaning up and then got to rest.

Matthew asked, "well... I got a world meeting tomorrow. I've just asked Alfred that he allowed you to join us. Do you wanna go with me?"


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