Chapter Thirteen:

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   Rocky and Ross walked Amy and Cassidy back to their own house for another surprise. When they had arrived they found the kitchen covered in baking supplies, ingredients and cook books. "Do you like it?" Rocky asked looking at Cassidy and Amy.

"YES!" Amy replied with a smile, "it's perfect. You boys are so sweet." "Well, you know, we're just so darn adorable!" Ross said while poking his cheeks with a huge grin."Crap! I forgot to get some stuff out of the basement pantry. Do any of you know anything about spices?" Ross asked. "Cassidy does! Everytime we have sleepovers back in Canada, Cass does all the cooking. She's great!", Amy protested. Ross pointed at Cassidy, pointed down the hall and started dancing causing Cassidy to dance down the hall together. Amy and Rocky could hear their giggling from down the hall.

     "So," Rocky began,"I finally get some Amy time!"he said with a friendly smile. "You seem really nice! I guess it sucks that Ross and Cass keep us so busy. Although, I don't mind,...." he said with a wink. Amy laughed to herself and just shook her head. Rocky continued, "you know... Ross really likes you. I haven't seen him like this in a really long time. And, I really care about Cassidy. There's just something about her, I can't quite put my finger on it, but she's special." Amy's face lit up as she found a whole new level of respect for Rocky. "Cassidy really likes you too. I mean, she's been hurt alot in the past, and you just seem to help her forget it. And, I really like Ross too, I think there's something there... I just can't quite put MY finger on it." she said, with a giggle.

     "I hope we can be good friends, it seems like Cassidy and Ross are hitting it off pretty well!" Rocky smiled at Amy. "Yea, I'd like that," Amy replied. "But what I'd like even more, is to do THIS!", and with that, flicked a pinch of flour in Rocky's face. "OH IT'S ON," he replied, and retaliated by breaking a egg into her hair.

     They quickly heard Cassidy and Ross laughing and running down the hallway. "COME ON GUYS. HOW COULD YOU LEAVE US OUT OF THE FOOD FIGHT?!" Ross had puppy dog eyes which quickly turned to mischevous grin. He ran up to Cassidy and put a handfull of breadcrumbs down her back.

     The food fight continued for over an hour, before finally Amy ended it by dumping an entire bowlof sugar onto Ross' head. "Well, my mommy always told me a was a sweetie pie," Ross said with a giggle. He stared into Amy's eyes and slowly moved in closer. Cassidy and Rocky realized what was happening and snuck out of the room. "I couldn't agree more," Amy whispered while her lips were just hovering above Ross'. They could feel each other smiling as they moved closer and closer, and then, the door opened, causing Ross to snap himself backwards and go beet red.


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