Chapter 3 - Meeting A Team Of Baka

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Izumi POV

Today was the day of the test. The day, that for the rest of my class, would decide if you became a genin or not. I did not have to take the test as the Hokage has claimed that I need not take the test for obvious reasons. Duh! Trained with the Akatsuki! Kiba’s name was called out to go next. I could see his hands shaking slightly. Kiba…

“Come on Akamaru! Let’s go kick some butt!” he shouted as he shot up from his seat next to me and headed towards the door.

“Kiba!” he turned as I shouted after him “Good Luck!” He gave me a winning smile and headed to his test. Not long later my name was called. I smirked. All I had to do was walk in there and grab a headband. I wonder if I could get a headband for Kimi as well... I slowly walked down the steps towards the door. I’m not an idiot. I noticed the glares, the stares. I just didn’t care. What did annoy me were the looks I got from Shikamaru and the Uchiha, thoughtful looks/glares with guards raised. Still don’t trust me after yesterday, huh? Well you can tell who the smart ones are in this class. I walked down the silent hall into a small room with Iruka and another man sitting at a table full of head bands at the front. I strolled up to the desk with Kimi at my side. I looked towards the man sitting next to Iruka. He gives out a bad vibe… Not to be trusted…

“Izumi Tanaka… You pass… Congratulation on passing the Academy!” smiled Iruka as he handed me my headband. I tied it around my neck.

“Excuse me Iruka… I know this normally doesn’t happen but could I get a headband for Kimi please?” I questioned. He seemed in thought for a moment before sighing and handing me another headband. I tied it around Kimi’s neck. “Thank you Iruka” I bowed and exited the Academy into the courtyard. The courtyard was full of proud parents and my classmates showing off their new headbands. I sighed…

“Milady…” Kimi whispered eyes full of concern.

“I’m sorry for worrying you Kimi, I’m fine really” I said smiling slightly. She nodded slowly not fully believing me. I noticed a pale skinned boy with raven hair walking away from the Academy alone and a usually loudmouth blonde sitting alone on the swing not far from me, one with a headband, one without. Sasuke Uchiha… Naruto Uzumaki… They are too similar to me. How unfortunate for them…

“Izumi! Kimi!” yelled a loud voice, interrupting my thoughts. Kiba came running towards us a headband tied around his neck, Akamaru at his side.

“You passed, well done Mutt” Kimi growled, glaring daggers at the now confused boy in front of us.

“I don’t think she is happy about your little joke this morning” I laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck.

“What?! But it wasn’t even meant for her! She just walked into it!” he yelled, now glaring at Kimi.  

“Kiba! Where the hell did you go, you idiot?! If you don’t get here now you can forget about dinner!” screamed a spiky dark haired lady with red fang marks on her cheeks. She had a navy and white wolf-like dog with only one ear and an eye patch at her side. Following behind her was younger lady with dark brown hair tied back in a low ponytail with red fang mark on her cheeks. At her side were three brown and white dogs. Kiba sighed and Akamaru whimpered. I quietly laughed. She hasn’t changed a bit. It was all too late when I noticed the smirk on Kiba’s face. He had started pulling me towards the women and their partners.

“I’m right here mum!” Kiba yelled still pulling me along toward them.

“There you are, you little piece of sh-” the lady, Kiba’s mum, stopped yelling when she saw my and Kimi’s faces.

“Izumi… Kimi…” the other lady, Kiba's older sister, whispered.

“Hello Tsume, Hana. Long-time no see” I said nervously with a lopsided grin sweat dropping. Thanks Kiba! Use me to stop your mum yelling at you. Some best friend you are!

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