Chapter 14~ The Chess Match Continues...

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Chapter 14~ The Chess Match Continues...

*Beca's P.O.V.*

"Beca! Wake up!" I woke up to Jesse yelling and banging on my dorm door. I yawned and rolled over.

"What do you want?" I ask in that nasty morning voice. Next thing I know my door is swinging open and Jesse is walking through it.

"Breakfast." he answered my question then began pulling things out of his bag. I looked from him to the door.

"How the h*ll did you get in here?" he smiled and held up his credit card.

"To you, a normal piece of plastic but in my hands, a professional lock picking kit."

I rolled my eyes and sat up, leaning against the wall behind my bed.  "You're such a nerd." he smiled. I watched him as he ran around my dorm. Within in ten he was handing me a plate of hot syrup covered waffles.  

"You made these?" I asked as he took a seat beside me, holding a plate identical to mine.

"Yeah. Portable waffle iron works like a charm, I love modern technology."

"These aren't gonna kill me are they?" I asked jokingly as I eyed the waffles. He chuckled as he shook his head. "How can I trust you?"

He grabbed my plate and took a bite of my waffles. "See, they're fine." he said as he handed me the plate back, locking his eyes to mine. I grabbed the plate, my fingers gently sliding over his sending little sparks of electricity through my hand. He stared into my eyes until I looked away. He cleared his throat before asking how they were. I took a big bite of them and it felt as if my mouth had died and gone to mouth heaven, 

"Wow, you can cook." he chuckled then began eating is.


Morning classes flew by leaving an awful taste in mouth much like a rotten egg. Oh how I hate school! At least I have the Bellas to look forward to, I swear they're the only things keeping me sane with everything happening lately. I can't wait for rehearsal but first, I have to suffer through lunch with the man who broke my heart in high school. He's not really a bad guy if you exclude the fact that he slept with my best friend on prom night but I'm a woman now. I think it's time I at least try to forgive though I may never forget.

"Beca!" Chad flagged me down when I stepped into the restaurant. I took a deep breath before shuffling over to the table. Chad greeted me with a smile as I took the seat across from him.

I remember a time when that smile used to mean something to me, when all he had to do was flash it and instantly all of my problems would just disappear. Too bad that was about three years ago when I was young and stupid. Now that smile means diddly-squat to me.

"You came." he seemed surprised.

"Of course, I'm a woman of my word. You know that."

"Right, well I took the liberty of ordering for you. Tacos are still your favorite right?" he flashed me that smile again.

"You remembered and after all of these years. I'm impressed." I said, my voice dripping with more sarcasm than I intended for it to.

"I get the feeling you don't really want to be here." he said, catching the drops of sarcasm.

"You wanted to catch up, here I am. So, catch up." Wow, apparently this forgiving thing is going to be harder than I thought.

"So, um, how have you been?" he asked.


"Right, what about school?"


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