CHAPTER 10: Someone was behind Taichi Part. 1

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The hours as in the real world demonstrated the night in the Digital World. As Moosemon had mentioned to the boys, one of his friends went straight to tell Gennai about the events that are happening since Unimon went to the real world.

Gennai: Nothing has changed. How is it possible that there was any sign that something is happening? I do not understand

- It's really silent, but that's why I came to tell you what my friends told me. They know better than anyone who is behind this. Although they still do not know their intentions

Gennai: So it really was not a coincidence what happened with Taichi three years ago-He said annoying more to himself

- Taichi?

Gennai: A Chosen Child. While it is the same woman who saw Mimi and who saw Koromon, it was not coincidence

- What happened?

Gennai: He died

- If he was a Chosen Child, then he is right in assuming that it was not an accident

Gennai: What are you talking about? In case that woman wants to eliminate the Chosen Children?

- I do not know much, but what I do know, is that this woman was looking for something, she got it and to prevent anyone from meddling, she will do whatever it takes to achieve her goals, specifically, whatever. I also know that she already knew the Chosen Children, those who lived in that city Hikarigaoka

Gennai: There is no doubt that it was not an accident

At that moment, you could hear a noise like a static just behind Gennai and digimon, when the digimon went to see what was happening, from among the bushes and trees, he saw the same woman that Koromon had seen several days.

- This is bad, I should tell you


Ken: So you know what happens? What is that black seed?

Moosemon: A disease

Yamato: A disease?

Ken: It's like a pollutant under the Digital World, right? Extends

Moosemon: That's right, that's why Unimon behaved that way, the seeds rot the ecosystem of the Digital World

Takeru: But a simple seed can do that?

Gabumon: Yes, Koromon said it was very small, we can stop it easily, right?

Kai: Not only is it a

Moosemon: For a few years, Kai's mother and other people have been planting those seeds on File Island, for now, they have not gone to the continents, but there will not be much left for that island to disappear

Sora: Why does your mother do that? It's not right, it will destroy the digimon

Kai: If I knew, I would tell them

Yamato: And if you would tell us? -Said something annoying

Kai: I'm not a Chosen Child, you are, and even if you do not believe me, Moosemon is not the only digimon friend that I have that is in trouble

Daisuke: Wait. Even if Moosemon is here, that contaminant can cause damage?

Kai: Your digimons too

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