CHAPTER 13: Looking for Kai Part 2

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A few hours passed and it was already completely dark, although, after what happened, everyone was still gathered in Koushiro's office to know everything that happened while Yamato, Mimi and Hikari explained to them.

They took Kai's younger sister, Umi, with her and she fell asleep in one of the office seats.

Yamato only told them the reason why he found Moosemon and it was because he came to take Umi to where Kai was.

After that great commotion, there was silence, when the boys heard the news on television about the fight that happened in the afternoon, they were surprised to hear that both digimons disappeared during the fight and that's why the commotion stopped so fast.

Koushiro: I'm glad everyone is here. Gennai-san sent me a message saying that he wanted to see us - he said while writing on his computer

Daisuke: And what about those seeds?

Koushiro: Moosemon told us that they only had on the island file. He wants to see us in his home, on the continent, he thinks that the seeds have not expanded yet. After telling him about that digimon Mephistomon, he says he wants to tell us something important

Hikari: Do you think we should go with Moosemon? He knows what happens

Iori: But we do not even know where it was

Ken: Moosemon may have stopped him, but we do not know what happened to him. He said worried

Wormmon: You will not believe that something bad happened to you, would you?

Tailmon: Moosemon is strong, maybe he has managed to take it back to the Digital World

Sora: And maybe it was nothing. They said that Mephistomon knew him, right? So maybe they are common enemies and they always fought

Mimi: Even so ...

Palmon: We'll know what's good. Will return for Umi

Koushiro: Yamato-san Did he say anything else about Taichi-san?

Yamato: What? - He said with a tone of fear

Miyako: The reason why you were looking for him. From the digivice that was in that place three years ago

Yamato: N ... no ... I forgot to ask him that. -He said something nervous, averting his gaze.

Gabumon: Yamato ...

Takeru: Did you forget? - He said with some doubt

Yamato: He only mentioned that they were escaping from his mother and that there was a laboratory in that forest, he did not tell me anything else

Takeru: Guys, what do they say? Should we go back to that forest?

Daisuke: What? - He said surprised

Takeru: That's where they researched about those seeds

Tentomon: It's true, maybe there's something that tells us how to stop them

Miyako: But do not you think there's someone there looking after you?

Gomamon: If it were like that, he would not have hidden in Odaiba, do not you think?

Piyomon: Maybe they only used it for those seeds and as they already created them, they no longer use it

Yamato: I do not know if we should go. We can still try to stop them in the Digital World

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