CHAPTER 19: Secrets must have been secrets Part 2

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Kai: It's not a book. This is a diary

Gabumon: Your mother's diary?

Ken: A lot of the leaves are dusty, but here is one of ...- He said confused -It's ... from July 30, 200 ... 3

Yamato: What ...? The day Taichi told me that ...? - He said confused and very surprised

Ken: "July 30, 2003. I was too confident, somehow the Chosen Child, Taichi Yagami, knew of my presence, I would like to convince him to cooperate with me, but he had already rejected me once"

Yamato: Had Taichi talked to her?

Wormmon: Why did not Taichi-san tell us that?

Yamato: What else does it say?

Ken: "After years of research, I discovered the missing piece to the Digital Metamorphosis of the Digital World lands to make it habitable"

Yamato: Digital metamorphosis?

Daisuke: I mention land. Do you think it's due to what happens with those seeds?

Kai: What else does it say?

At that moment, shouts were heard outside the laboratory, they heard the voice of those who shouted, they were Joe, Koushiro, Takeru, Miyako and the digimons, after that, the whole place shook a little.

Kai: What?

Yamato: Run-He said as everyone left the room and looked for others outside the lab

On the way they met Sora, Mimi, Hikari, and the others and when they reached the garden, they saw a digimon in front of everyone, it was Nanomon and his friends were with an expression of terror, they were paralyzed.

Sora: Guys, what happened? -I said confused

Koushiro: Guys ... - He said scared without being able to move - They ... Taichi-san ...

Mimi: Taichi-san? - She said confused when she heard that I mention it

Yamato: What's wrong with them?

Nanomon: Do not blame them, it seems that they already realized ... What happened to your friend! - He said letting out a loud laugh

Mimi: What? -Said something scared

Takeru: Taichi-san ... he was here ... -He said very scared, unable to move even a muscle

Hikari: That he was here?

Patamon: It's not good! What did they do with him ?! - He cried while crying

Nanomon: They will not want to know -he said without stopping laughing

Yamato: What are you talking about? What did they find? - He said something annoying

Tentomon: In those books ... -He said something worried and scared as he indicated to the books that he was lying right next to everyone.- There's your ... it's ... the

Kai: What are you talking about? What's wrong with them? -He said confused and annoyed by his attitude.

Joe: It's the shirt Taichi used that day

When they heard that, they were paralyzed, they thought they heard wrong, but when they saw between all the books, there was the same shirt as Taichi, the same dark blue and clear with stars in the sleeves that he wore when they went to the camp.

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