Chapter 14

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Few weeks later
Things were pretty crazy these past weeks. My dad was adamant to send me to Canada So no one could change his mind. Not even Mom, she has been avoiding me after my wedding but when she got to know that I've to leave for Canada, she came out to be against the idea. Both of my parents had a heated argument about it but to vain. Dad had applied for my visa since he had many contacts, my visa came in really early.
I didn't talk, argue or had fight with any of my family because it was of no use.I almost feel like they're getting rid of me, aren't supporting me due to society pressure and forcing me into a marriage which has no future. Due to their recent behavior, I've actually started to feel burden on them. I always used to think, my family would stand by my side through thick or thin. Like I've always supported them, lived half my life according to their wishes and always thought the best for them, I expected them to do the same.
I'm not saying that my parents haven't done much for me, they've raised me, given me the best education facility they could and took care of my expenses but all these things don't matter if they can't fight against everyone for your right. Even if they don't stand against anyone, all they could do was to give some emotional support.

Fatima, Anoushay and Amna came over to help me pack my things. They tried to pacify me and that's all they could do.
"I know this all must be hard for you." Anoushay said while taking a seat next to me
"We don't know why uncle is forcing you to go to Canada but think of it as Allah will." Amna gave me slight hug
"Please don't hate your family. They just want the best for you." I looked at Fatima while she says this
"This is what they wanted for me? They are clearly getting rid of me and you're saying that they want the best for me." I cried out "They didn't even asked me the reason why I don't want to be in this marriage. It is true that if people have to choose between family and respect, they would choose respect." Tears rolled down my cheeks as I speak
"I hope this is the last bag because we don't have space left for more." My brother teased me while picking up the last luggage
I nodded at him and walked with him towards the car. My parents were already standing there with Shahveer.
I didn't bother waiting for Shahveer and got into the car without bidding farewell to my family. I didn't even look at them and was busy scrolling through my phone helplessly.
After good few minutes, Shahveer bid goodbye to my family and got in the car. I decided to avoid him as much as I can. He too didn't say anything through out the whole journey.
"Are you hungry?" Shahveer asked as we waited for our flight. As usual, I didn't give him any attention and was playing with my phone.
I heard a sigh before he continued
"How long are you going to avoid me? If you don't want to talk to me, Fine don't. But atleast answer when I ask you something."
I got fed up by his continuous talking that I got up to wander somewhere. As I was about to move my first step, my feet twisted and was about to slip. I closed my eyes, thinking I'm going to fall but I was held by someone. I slowly opened my eyes to meet with the similar brown eyes. For a moment or two, I couldn't help myself from looking away.
"If you're going to stare like this for few more minutes, you might fall in love with me." Shahveer stated
I got back to my senses and instantly jerk him off. I maintained my balance and glared at him for touching me.
"How dare you touch me" I snapped at him
"Well, I guess I'm allowed to now." He shrugged
"No! You're not. Don't touch me again ever."
"And why should I listen to you?" He questioned
"Because you've no right to touch me... and if you touch me again I'm going to complain against you to police for harassment" I pointed my finger at him
"Umm, let me get this right, there is a law that a husband can't touch his wife?" He mocked me while putting on a straight face
"I-That-What I mean." I didn't know what to say next and started thinking what to say back to him.
When I couldn't think of anything, I looked at him while he was smiling at me.
Anger started to boil inside that I didn't realize my hands were on his neck
He hold my hands before I could choke him to death.
"I don't know about the previous law but there is clearly a law of imprisonment for murder."
I tried to get my hands free from his grip but he just wouldn't let go. I was to embarrassed to say anything so I continued to get my hands free from his grip and I could sense that he was enjoying this all.
Just then we heard the announcement about our flight. He slowly let go my hands while I quickly moved back.
"Let's go, we have rest of out life to fight." He said while picking up our hand carry.

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