Chapter 18

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The next day I woke up realizing I've slept on the floor. I didn't even realized when I fell asleep. I got up and went to the washroom.
I changed my clothes and looked at the time. It was about 10 in the morning.
"Shahveer must have left for work."
I unlocked the door and went to the kitchen as I was starving. To my surprise there was a breakfast tray on the counter with a note by its side.
The note only had Sorry written on it. I knew it was Shahveer. I looked at the tray which consisted of pancakes, toast and jam along with cheese omelet and a glass of juice. It looked really tempting especially when you've an empty stomach.
I resisted my desire and made a cup of tea for myself. I didn't want to give him the wrong idea that I accepted his apology by eating the breakfast.
I sat down in front of the Tv with yesterday leftovers and a cup a tea.
After a hour or so, I got bored and got up. Since I didn't have much to do I decided to explore the house which I haven't done since I got here.
I usually stay in my room or in tv lounge. I only go to kitchen when I'm hungry or have to cook a meal.
As I roam around, I saw a door which lead to the backyard. It was spacious and beautiful. Different types of flowers were grown and there was a table and two chairs set at a corner. A barbecue grill was place at the other end. I remember how much I used to love walking at the terrace back home. It would always bring me peace.
As I walked back in, there was a store which was also organized. I've realized that Shahveer like to keep all his things organized and that he is a cleanliness freak. The store only consisted of paints, ladder and other house essential things.
There were two rooms in this house, one was mine and the other one of Shahveer.
Even though it must be counted in bad manners if I go in his room without his permission but I was quite curious to see his room. I hesitantly opened the door and went inside. The room was bigger than mine and  was nicer than mine. His bed to his furniture everything seem to describe how good his taste is. There was a window which lead to a balcony and since the curtains were drawn back, the sun peaking through was one of the most beautiful scenario. His study table was situated at a very end of the corner and along with it there was a large cupboard.
There were some books laying on his table and as a book freak I went through them. As I put down his books, I saw one of the drawer was half opened, I bend down to close it but my eyes went in to see different photographs. Without hesitation I opened the drawer and I pulled out some of the pictures.
The first few pictures were of him and his friends maybe when they were in college. As I went through them, I got hold of one photo which was of surprise to me. He had a picture of me and him when he visited Pakistan at the age of 18. Then there were some of our childhood pictures. He also had few of my pictures which were taken when he wasn't in Pakistan. Who must have given him these pictures? Why does he have all these pictures? these questions arose in mind. Never less, I decided to put all these pictures back when I saw another one picture at the very end. I took it out, the picture had Aunty shamsha when she must be in her 20's and a few years old shahveer but along with them was a man whom I don't recognized. I tried really hard to remember if I know him but I just couldn't recalled.
The uncle doesn't look like Aunty shamsha and shahveer's father and he is definitely is not from our side of the family. He must be from Shahveer's Dad side but why is he in the photo and why isn't shahveer's Dad in this picture?
I couldn't make out about the equation.
Just as I was lost in thoughts, I heard the front door opened. I hurriedly put all the pictures back and rushed outside before Shahveer comes to his room.

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