Chapter 21

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Its been almost 4 hours since I've arrived back home. Shahveer has not yet come back. With every minute passing by I get more impatient. My mind was all over the place, didn't know what to expect what not to expect from him. My mind still hold him responsible for everything but my heart still want to give him another chance to prove himself.
I looked at the clock and it was almost 6pm. I dialed his number and waited for him to answer.
"Hello?" I heard an unfamiliar female voice.
"Uhm, Hey. Im sorry but isn't this Shahveer's number"
"Yes ma'am. Can you please tell me how you're related to Mr.Shahveer."
I stopped for a second. I didn't know who she was and why she was answering shahveer's phone. I was in conflict between whether to tell her or not. At one point I decided to hang up and wait for Shahveer to come back.
"Hello Ma'am? Can you hear me?"
"I-I'm his wife." I finally uttered thinking about maybe she'll tell me where Shahveer is.
"Ma'am, your husband Mr.Shahveer got into an accident and he is currently in General hospital."
I almost dropped my phone, not believing what I've just heard
"Wha-Why-where... why didn't you inform me before? Where is he? How is he doing? Can you send me the address to the hospital?"
"I'm sorry ma'am, there was a woman with him who stated that she's his family. I can dictate you the address, please write it down somewhere."
I quickly got the pen and pencil and wrote down the address. I called the cab after finding their number from Internet.
I reached the hospital after about 35 minutes. I rushed towards the reception and asked for Shahveer
"Ma'am, can you please tell us his full name.?"
"Shahveer Ahmed." I blurted out
"Yes ma'am, he is currently in Operation theater. Let me assist you there."
I walked behind the nurse. My heart beat was raising with each step I take.
At a distant I saw Anam standing near the door of operation theater. I walked up to her and she was quite shocked to look at me.
"Why didn't you inform me that Shahveer got into an accident."
"I-I'm Sorry. It skipped my mind."
"It skipped your mind? Are you serious?" I slightly raised my voice "did you inform uncle and Aunty?"
The look on her face gave me the answer. I decided to call them myself.
"Alizeh, don't. They will get worried and"
"They are his parents and I'm his wife. We should be the first one to know about him. Of course they will be worried, their son is in the hospital."
She kept quiet upon seeing people looking at our direction. I didn't care about people's attention at this very moment. I called uncle and informed him about Shahveer. They told me that they'll reach there as soon as possible.
After like 20 minutes, the doctors came out
We both ran towards the doctor
"Are you both related to Mr.Shahveer?"
I looked at Anam who return the look
"I'm his wife" I answered as confidently as I could
"He is out of danger but we still will keep him under strict observation for 24 hours"
"Can I meet him?" I asked
"I'm sorry ma'am, he still is unconscious. I assure you that he will be shifted to his room by tomorrow, you can meet him then." With that he left.
I looked at Anam and uttered "How come you're here in the hospital while no one else knew about the accident"
"He was with me when the accident happen."
My eyes soften and I hesitantly asked "why?"
"That's something personal. I'm sorry I can't share it with you."
"I've full right to know why my husband was with you."
"Your husband? Seriously? The same husband whom you didn't give any rights." Her words shocked me. How did she know.? Did Shahveer told her about our relationship too.?
"My relationship with my husband is non of your business. I'm here with him. You can leave."
Anam was about to say something when Aunty shamsha disturbed us
"How is Shahveer?"
"The doctor said that he is out of danger and can meet him tomorrow when he will be shifted to his room."
"Anam? What are you doing here?" Uncle asked
"Oh, she is about to leave." I interrupted Anam before she could speak. She looked at me confused.
She smiled at Aunty and uncle and left.
"Alizeh, lets go home. We can come tomorrow morning when he will be shifted to his room." Aunty said
"No, I want to be here. I'll only get worried for him if I'm home."
I told her to leave with uncle and come the next morning. After much persistence, She finally agreed to leave me alone at the hospital.
It was tahajjud time so I decided to go to the washroom to do wudu. As I got out, the corridor was empty so I chose a corner and spread my jacket in place of Jan-Namaz.
As I extend my hands for dua, I couldn't stopped crying. Fariha's word kept echoing in my mind. All I knew was that I'm afraid of losing Shahveer. All this time I thought that I hate him but my love for him was much greater than my hatred. All this time, I wanted to be away from him but now I can't even imagine living without him. All I prayed was for his health.

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