"Shahveer! Why did you hit Ali?"
"Because he made you cry. He won't bully you again"
"Don't do that again"
"I will because I can't see tears in you eyes"
"Why would you fight for me?"
"Because you're important to me"
He always protected me since we were kids. I always thought he never cared about me. When we were kids I would always fight with him because he would fight with others just for me.
I couldn't stop crying, thinking about all the wrong done to him. How he had to bear since childhood. He never got love from his grandparents, uncles or aunts. His cousins weren't allowed to play with him. I was his only friend. At that time I never realize the wrong happening to him. With time we both didn't realize how we fell for each other. I couldn't express my love for him at that time nor could he. He hid his feelings for me because he knew my mom never liked him. It made sense now. How he would avoid me so that Mom won't scold me for spending so much time with him. He would avoid me so that he could forget me. And my stupid self thought he lost interest in me, in our friendship. I was hurt when he decided to move to Canada. I thought he wanted to stay away from me. I thought he broke our promise of never leaving each other. I was so hurt that I never asked him the reason. The misconception of him not being in love with me made me never express my feelings for him. Till date he always has tried to protect me. He was ready to sacrifice his love for me. He never said anything against my mom because he didn't want me to hate her or blame her.
Just so that I don't hate my parents, he was ready to bear my hatred for him.
I was drenched in rain as I sat down on the bench in the park where I usually come for walk.
I don't know how I'm ever going to face him especially after all I said to him and did to him. I can't meet his eyes because of what my mom made him do. I can't even apologize for whatever he has been through because of us because we don't deserve to be forgiven.
"Alizeh!" I heard him shout my name as he runs towards me.
"What were you even thinking? Does anyone run away like that? Are you crazy to run on streets at this time? Are you crazy to sit here while everyone back home is worried for you? Are you- I don't even know what to say to you" He finished with a sign of frustration.
I looked at him with blurred vision because of my tears. His eyes soften upon seeing me in tears. He took a seat next to me
"Listen, whatever happen just forget it. Whatever your mom did was for you. Every mom wants best for her daughter. I may not be in that list and that's okay, she has every right to think like that. I don't blame her for that and I want you not to consider her wrong. Maybe her way was wrong but her intention was somehow right. Like I would want the best for my daughter. I want her to get best education, best lifestyle and best partner. I'm not going to set for less. That's how parents are. I don't care what she thinks of me or what she did to me. I respect her and that's how it should be. I love you and I would do anything for your betterment. I didn't want you to choose me over the parents who thought about your best future. They spent all their life just to give you the better life. I know you must be hurt but whatever I did was for you, my love" he held my hands strongly as he vent out his feelings
I instantly hugged him tightly and cried until all the tears got out of my system. He didn't move and stayed still, rubbing my back.
"Never in my life I thought I could find someone who would love me so much. Who would sacrifice his happiness for me. Who would be ready to bear my hatred just so that I don't hate my parents. Why do you love me so much? Why?" My voice broke as I continuously punch him on his chest. He held my hands and looked deeply in my eyes
"I don't know why I love you so much, I just do. I just know that being in love with you is the best feeling I've experienced so far." He said as he touched his forehead with mine.
"Shahveer! Shahveer!" I've been trying to wake him up for the past half hour
"Get up or you'll be late for work." I said while shaking him. He pulls me onto the bed and hugs me tightly
"How about we stay like this the whole day."
"Ha Ha! that's a good idea but we've to pass that one. You have to go to work and I've to go to the hospital" I said as I tried to get out of his grip
He got him and rubbed his eyes, the first thing he do while waking up.
"Today is you appointment?" He asked as he check his reminders on his phone
"I will get ready in few minutes and then we will go together." He got off the bed
"No need to do that. It's just some regular tests. You go to you work, mister"
"No buts." I faked glare at him
He laughed and nodded his head
"Are you sure?" He asked
"Yeah besides I've plans with Fariha after" I said
"So, Alizeh right?" The doctor asked as she goes through my reports.
I nodded as I impatiently waited for her to speak
"How are you feeling lately"
"Better than before." I answered
"Well that's good." She paused for few minutes while examining the reports.
"Alizeh congratulations, you're expecting." She said while smiling.
I was taken aback by the news.I couldn't believe it.
"Are you sure?" I asked
"Well that's what the reports are saying"
I smiled at her. I couldn't contain my happiness.
I cancelled my plans with Fariha and decided to go home straight. I wanted to give Shahveer the news first. I decided to plan a surprise for him.
After few hours, I decorated the house with flowers and candles. I arranged the table with his favorite cuisine. I turned off all the lights and waited for him. I wore his favorite colour. I waited impatiently for him until I hear him parking his car. I stood steady and fixed my hair.
As he enters surprise took over him. He looked at me.
"Wow! Never thought my wife would arrange a surprise for me on a non special occasion" he said as he wraps his arms around me
"How do you know it's not special?" I asked as I inhale his scent
"Well, it's not valentine day and it's not my birthday either nor our wedding anniversary." He answered confidently
"I'm happy that you've finally remember all the important dates" I chuckled
He smiled at me before giving a peck on my cheek.
"So what's special?" He asked
"Mmm.. lets have dinner first."
I grabbed his arm and made him sit on his seat.
After having dinner, he looked at me questionably.
"You still didn't tell me the reason? Not that I'm not happy. I would love such surprises everyday but I know you're not that type who would surprise me without any reason."
I laughed
"You will know. Let me bring the dessert." I said as I go to the kitchen
"Can you turn on the lights please" I said as I bring him his favorite chocolate delight but with the special message written on top of it.
As I place it in front of him. He looked at it.
After reading, he jumps off his chair
"You're pregnant?" He asked with astonishing voice
I nodded and whispered a yes
He twirl me around with excitement
"Are you sure? You're not playing a prank, are you?" He asked as he place me down
I let out a laugh "why would I play such pranks on you?"
He made me sit on the chair and got on his knees
He held my hand "I can't tell you how happy I am. This is second best thing that has ever happened to me" he said as he place a Kiss on my hand
I frown "what's the first best thing?"
He smiled "marrying you"
I couldn't believe we have come this far. The journey which started on the wrong path has now finally got onto the right path.
Everyday is phenomenal for me. I truly believe Allah always grant you with the best and He surely has blessed me with the best. I can't thank Him enough.
My journey with Shahveer will continue like this, it will have love, dedication, a bit of bumps but nothing that we can't surpass. If we're together, we can endure every problem happily.

It's Always Been You.
RomansaA story of two individuals who never admitted their feelings for each other Ego, Misunderstanding, Family and Life has kept them apart from each other. ..................................................................................... "Get Out"...