Chapter four- overprotective much

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  • Dedicated to Valentina ramirez

Chapter 4

My 2nd period class is creative writing. It's my favorite subject in the whole wide world!! I walked over to my desk next to Nate and took out my writing journel. "Hey" said Nate in a whisper as Mrs. Honkins starting talking about the main idea and how to make it noticeable so readers know what it is. " Hey " I responded as I put the heading on my paper. "There's a party this Friday, wanna come?" he asked as he leaned in to whisper in my ear. His hot breathe tickling my ear as he talked.

"Do I have to go?" I whined. " Yes because your my best friend" he said sitting up straight. I just slouched in defeat.

Don't get me wrong I love parties it's just that the parties that Nate goes to can get really wild.

"Come on it'll be fun. Especially if your with me." he said with cocky smile. "I'm sure I'll be" I said sarcastically. "You need to learn to let lose and have fun" he said ignoring my comment. " I do there's just a fine line in the parties you go to from fun to doing something crazy, stupid? Idiotic, and horrible" I replied trying to follow Mrs. Honkins's lesson. " If you I'll tell you a secret if you go" he said giving me a sly smile. Ughh it would to say no to him if I wasn't so completely in love with him!!

When he said the secret part my mind flashed to the summer when we were ten and kept making each other do stupid things for each others secrets. By the end of the summer we got grounded a lot but knew each others secrets forming a tight bond.

"Okay" I said finally giving in. Nate just smiled a pure happy smile that takes a lot of hard work to get out if him. For other people.

For the rest if the lesson Nate drifted off as always but I just kept writing notes. I don't care if people call me a nerd or not. I don't give three fricking shits about what other people think about me. All that matters us what I think of myself.

" Ringgggg" the bell rang releasing us from class. " Finally" grunted Nate. "I don't know how you don't like this class" I said shaking my head at him. " I don't know how YOU like like this class" retorted Nate. " Anyways I'll see you at lunch, maybe." I said as I hung my book pack on my right shoulder. " What do you mean maybe?" asked Nate as he grabbed my hand to stop me from turning away. " I may just sit with my friends." "B-but you always sit with me at lunch." he whined. " Are you whining?" I asked as I giggled. " Nate"

Matthew Harvings does not whine" he said as he turned around with his arms crossed around his chest. "Okay fine" I said. " thank you " he said as he turned around giving me a kiss on the cheek. " You are just getting your way today aren't you?" I asked annoyed. " Maybe. We'll have to see if I get my way with you tonight then I'll know I'm getting my way." he said as he gave me a wink. I just rolled my eyes at him. " okay we'll bye" I said as I dashed out the door and to my next class.

Math passed by slowly as u counted the minutes until I had lunch. I was soo hungry I could eat the whole school. The thought if a delicious meatball marinara sub came into mind I felt my mouth watering up.

" Okay class it's time for lunch" Mrs. Denju said. I grabbed my wallet and head towards the cafeteria with the rest of my class.

As I waited in the line. I felt two strong pairs of arms wrap around me. I turned to face two beautiful big brown eyes. " Hey Nate"I said as I pulled him into a big hug. "Hey honeybee" he said as we pulled away. I grabbed a tray and filled it with the meatball marinara sub, barbecue chips and a cold lemon ice tea. When I was about to hand the lunch lady a 5 dollar bill I saw Nate reach over and pay for my lunch. "What was thAt for ?" I asked giving him a smile. " I though I should buy you lunch for forcing you to sit with me. "

Sometimes he did things that would just surprise me and that would be so sweet.

He put his hand around my waist as he guided me to a table. Ron, Ty, and Jake were already sitting down along with Ron's girl friend Anatasia. Anatasia or Ana has long curly red hair with a lot if freckles but on her it looks cute. Unlike the other cheerleaders she's not mean, slutty, or stupid and an added bonus she doesn't have it out for me. " Hey beautiful" said Jake as we walked over. Nate just ignored him and motion for them to scoot over so I can sit down. I ended up sitting next to Jake. " Hey Jake" I said as I opened my sub. " Are you going to the party?" he asked keeping eye contact with me. " um.. Yea" I said as I shot Nate a look. He just laughed and kept talking to Ron. "I bet you'll look pretty that day like always." he said winking at me. I blushed and I looked down at my sub. " Maybe you'll like to be my date for the party" he said taking my hand. Nate turned around when he heard Jake. I saw his hands turn into fist and he got red." um.. Su" but I didn't get to answer befor Nate said "NO!" I shot him a look and said " I can decide for myself." Then I felt Nate grab my hand and pull me to a corner of the cafeteria far from our table. " What the fuck was that!" exclaimed Nate. " What do you mean?! He just asked me out and I was about to say yes until you sooo rudely interrupted me!!" " That was it he asked you out and you were about to say yes!!" " Oh my God!! Why are you sooo fucking over protective?!?"I screamed at him. People were starting to look over at us but I didn't care. " Because I care about you and I don't want you to get hurt by some player jerk who just wants to get into your pants" he said not exactly screaming at me. "Nate im a big girl I can look out for myself. I appreciate you trying to look for me but I also need my space plus he's not going to get into my pants because I won't let it happen. Just let me have fun isn't that what you wanted? Me having fun" he nodded. "So just let me be. I don't even have to worry about him doing something to me because I have you to protect me but you have to let me do things on my own too, okay?" "Okay. I just I just got so overprotective over you after you know.... Your dad" he said look down. " I know" I whispered as I got into his arms. I felt to safe with them around me. I loved feeling his warmth around me. I understood him and he understood me. "Come on let's go they are probably wondering were we r." said Nate as he grabbed my hand. When we got to our table I saw Nate tell Jake "If you hurt her I will cut off your balls and give them to an angry wolf" When I sat next to Jake he whispered in my ear "Dont worry I'll be a gentleman. We'll have fun and do only what you wanna do" he said as he winked at me. I just blushed and smiled at him. I felt Nate tense up next to me as Jake put his arm around me. But I just ignored him and sat silent the rest of the lunch and ate my sub.

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