Chapter thirteen- how do you know theres no future with him?

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Chapter 13


I woke up on top of Zayn. I didn't want to wake him up but I had to go. I had school today. I moved slightly trying not to wake him up but failed. He looked at me sleepily. "Were are you going poppet." "Poppet, I haven't heard that in a long time. I have school today." "At what time do you want me to pick you up after school?" he asked rubbing his eyes. He really did look cute when he just woke up. "Nate and I are going to the hospital to check on his sister Nicole. Then he is driving me to karate. He usually waits until I'm done so I don't need a ride." "Can I come with you to your class?" he asked looking hopefully. "Yeah. Tell my dad to give you the address. Now as much as I would love to spend all day with you in bed I have to get going." "Okay. I guess I should be going too." he said as I stood out of bed. "It's alright you can catch a couple of hours of sleep. I going to take a shower so I'll see you when I get out." "Okay are you sure you don't want me to help you shower." he said flirty. "Oh poppet." I said copying his accent. "I love it when you talk like that!" he shouted as I went across the hall to get a towel. I just smiled at his comment. After I got a towel I went back into my room to grab a pair of clothes. I found Zayn sleeping again. That boy did love to sleep. I guess he is going to enjoy it these days seeing he probably wakes up early every other day. I picked out a pair of white jeans, a black tank top with a blue plaid shirt shirt over it, and blue shoes.

After I took a shower and changed I went downstairs and found Niall already eating breakfast. "Your up soon." I said as I took out a bowl and poured cereal in it. "Yeah I guess I'm so used to it." he said as he took a of his sandwich. "Did you guys sleep her tonight?" I asked as I sat next to him. "Yeah we were worried about you, plus it was too late to drive or so your dad thought. He really is as nice as I remembered." he said smiling at up. "Well thanks for making sure I was okay." I said eating my cereal. "Can I ask you a question?"asked Niall. "Sure, I'm all ears." I responded. "Are you and Zayn dating?" "Well we were both going to tell you but.... yeah we are." I replied as I smiled at him. "Have you told Nate yet?" " Why?" I asked curiously. He looked at me nervously making me nervous. "Because you like him." he said quickly obviously wanting to get it over with. He actually left me shocked. Niall was the guy that I trusted more from the band well besides Zayn. "How did you find out." I asked him. "I know you too well. So do you like him more than Zayn?" "Well aren't you nosey."I said trying to lighten the mood. He just responded my laughing humorlessly. "I don't know. I'm so confused. I mean I know in dating Zayn, and I'm dating him because I really do him well I don't know which one it is. But I can't help but feeling that deep down inside in only doing this because I know there is no future with Nate." I responded poking my cereal. "How do you know there's no future with Nate." "Because he's my best friend. It would be too weird, wouldn't it? Plus if we had a messy break up wouldn't that make it harder to go back to the way it used to be. What is we stopped being friends." I said freaking out a it. "I guess you'll never know unless you try. I just want to you to be with the guy that you would want to be with for the rest of your life. Your like my little sister, I just want to you to be happy." "I am happy with Zayn, but I'm also happy with Nate."I replied as I finished the last of my cereal. I walked over to put it in the sink when I realized it was really dark in here. "Why is it so dark in here?" I asked Niall as I turned to face him. "I had to close the curtains because of all the press outside." he said shrugging as if it was nothing. "I guess the found the superstars." I said with a smirk. "What can I say the cameras like us." he said with a proud smile. "I'll see you guys later." I said as I walked out the door. I heard him say a bye as I walked outside.

Immediately the press rushed towards me.

"What are the boys doing at your house?"

"Are you dating Zayn?"

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