Chapter twenty four

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Chapter twenty four

A/N :

I was so sad while writing this chapter. Please don't be mad at Zayn.

*Mild sadness*


Zayn's p.o.v

I woke up and found Cami asleep in my arms. I didn't move so she wouldnt wake up. Is it possible for her to look still beautiful even when she's sleeping.

I watched her as her chest rises and fell as she sleep. About five minutes I heard her mutter "Zayn." followed by her eyes flickering open. "Hey baby." I said as I hugged her. "Hey Zayn." she said as she turned to face me. "Did we fall asleep while watching t.v" she asked as she ran her hands through her hair. "Yea." I answered stating at her. "I'm hungry." she then added. I chuckled. "Come on let's go eat something." I replied. "Yeah." she responded as she pulled herself off the couch. "Wait." I said as I pulled her back down. "What?" she asked curiously. I didn't respond I just planted a kiss on hr soft warm lips. When I pulled away I said "Good morning." "Good morning." she said giving me a cheeky smile.

"I'm going to go to my room and get changed." she said as she stood up. "Okay. See you in a bit." I told her as she picked up her purse and iPhone. "Bye Zayn." she said as she flashed me a smile as she closed the door behind her.

I plopped back on the couch and let out a content sigh. I loved waking up and seeing her wrapped up in my arms.

My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening revealing a black haired girl. "Destiny?" I asked as she came towards me and started snogging me.


Cami's p.o.v

I walked back to my room. Everyone was still sleeping. I checked my alarm clock and saw that it was 10:23. I walked towards my closet and picked out a pair of white jeans with a strapless green and white striped shirt, with a green flower on the side. I walked to the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Thank goodness for my curly hair. I didn't bother with much makeup, I just put on a light shade of pink lipgloss. I grabbed my black purse and walked back to Zayn's room. The door was open. Weird I locked it. I looked at the side of the door and saw small scrapes on it. Okay...?

I walked down the small hall that led to the mini living room. Nothing could prepare me to what I saw.

I found Destiny in top of Zayn. They were kissing. I saw Destiny holding Zayn hard against her. I saw Zayn moving his head from side to side. I had no idea what he was trying to do. All I knew was that he was making out with some other girl, and not just some girl. A girl whom I thought was my friend.

I had no idea how the hell to react. Maybe that's why I did this next. I walked over to them. I saw that Zayn had his eyes open. When he saw me his eyes went wide. I bet he was pissed off he got caught. Jackass.

I grabbed Destiny from her hair and ripped her off him. I then turned to face Zayn. "Sorry to interrupt your little make out session." I told him. He just stared at me his eyes still in shock. "Fool me once shame in you, fool me twice shame on me. I guess that saying 'Once a cheater, always a cheater' applies to you huh scumbag?!" I growled at him. "Cami it's not what you think." he told me as he stood up. "Really?! Sorry maybe i can't see well because, I just saw you making out with my friend while you supposedly "love me." " I told him as I put quotation note on the words love me. "I do love you. She came on me." he told me as he grabbed my hands. I quickly pulled my hands away. He disgusted me so much I could stand the feel of him. "You don't know what love is, if you had the nerve to cheat on me. I can't believe I loved you." I spatted at him. "You love me?" he asked me, his lips twitching with a small smile forming on them. "Loved. Past tense." I lied as I turned around and walked out closing the door with a loud "thud!"

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