Chapter ten- second chances?

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Chapter 10

After the beach I invited them over to my house. We were in the car I was sitting up front with Zayn and the rest of the guys were sitting in the back. "You live near burger king, right?" Zayn asked me as he got out of the parking spot. "Um yea. How did you know?" I asked him curiously. "Didn't you tell me once." he said moving around uncomfortably in his seat. "No I didn't, stalker." I joked.

" Uh huh, liar" he said joking back. "Whatever you want to think, Malik." "Hey! You know I hate it when you call me by my last name!" he whined as he kept driving. "Oh yeah and how are you going to stop me!" I said cocking my eyebrow. "You'll see. Just watch your back" he said trying to sound scary. "Oh I'm sooo scared." I said sarcastically. "You were always a joker, huh?" he said amused. "And always will be." I said contently.

When we got to my house I guided them into the living room. "Damn you got a big house!" exclaimed Liam. "This is nothing compared to her house in England." replied Harry.

"You guys hungry?" I asked as I made my way into the kitchen. "Yes!" exclaimed Niall as he rushed into the kitchen. "You can get whatever you want from the fridge." I said motioning to the refrigerator. He ended up getting a sandwich, chips, cookies, and coke. Of this boy lived here he would empty out kitchen in about two days.

I grabbed a big bag of chips, cups, and a big bottle of coke and took it to the living room. "Want to watch a movie or play on the play station?" I asked as I set up the food on the table. " Playstation!" they exclaimed.

After I set up the Playstation they decided to play Call of Duty. I sat back and watched them play. I laughed every time one of them died. I don't know why but I did. "I'm going to get more food." I said when they finished the chips. "I'll help you." said Zayn as he stood up and helped me. Inside the kitchen he stopped me. "You know you are really hard to resist." he said as he pressed his body on mine. "Your not too easy yourself." I responded. "I know your still thinking about what we talked about earlier but, I wanted to ask you if you maybe... would like to got with me on a date tomorrow." he asked nervously rubbing his hand on the back of his head. "I would honestly love to." I said looking directly into his eyes. He leaned over and I didn't know what to do. I mean I water to kiss him but then again I didn't. At the last moment I put my hands around his neck and kissed him. The moment his lips crashed into mine I knew I made the right decision. Our lips moved at the same rhythm and they fit so perfectly together. The kiss was so soft and pure that it made me tingle all over. He locked my bottoms lip asking for entrance. I opened my mouth and moaned gently as his tongue and mine made contact. Damn! Was all I could think about. This boy was bringing back a bunch of memories in just one kiss. Could I love him after all that happened. Can I open my heart to him again?


Zayn's pov

She kissed me! How can this girl make me feel so special in just one kiss. I took a risk leaning in because I didn't know if I was going too fast or if she didn't want to. But the moment our lips touched I felt to happy. I mean of she didn't like me anymore she wouldn't have kissed me right?

I am so looking forward to tomorrow night.


Nate's pov

I don't know if I should be happy or not about her knowing one direction. I mean I should feel lucky that I get to know them, but then again I knew something was going on between her and Zayn. I like her, I want her. And I felt I was getting close to getting her but since Zayn arrived I've never felt more farther away from getting her. I looked up from the game and started into the kitchen I couldn't see them. I wanted to jump up from my seat and go to her but I felt that I might not see something I liked. Even the thought of it disgusted me. I didn't want to lose her so I'm going to do everything in my power not to lose her.


Camille's pov

When he pulled away I was left breathless. His eyes sparkled as he looked at me with so much lust in his eyes. "I'll pick you up at 8:00" he said his eyes never leaving mine. "Okay." was all I could say. He grabbed my hand as he grabbed another bag of chips and guided me outside.

"Why'd you guys take so long? What did you do in there?" Niall said waggling his eyebrows. "None of your business." I said as I poured the chips in the bowl. "So you were doing something." "No just getting the food." "And getting something else too." he added. I just rolled my eyes at him.

The rest of the night continued like that. Eating, talking, laughing, joking, and playing Call of Duty. I had a great time today and I knew I was also going to have a great time tomorrow because I was spending it with Zayn.

When the boys left I was left alone with Nate. "Did you enjoy today?" I asked as I cleared the table. "Yeah, you?" he asked helping me. " Yeah, it was nice seeing them again." "Especially Zayn, huh?" he said with a jealous tone. "Nate" I started to whine but he interrupted. "Don't worry about me. It's okay." "No it's not, and how can you ask me not to worry about you. I will always worry about you." I said as we made our way to the couch. "It's just... Complicated." he stated. " Come on tell me." "I just don't want to ruin anything." "Ruin what?" I asked curiously. "Nothing." "Nate I thought we didn't have secrets from each other." "Well you still haven't told me about England." "Nate that's a very sensitive subject that I wan to put in the past and forget about. Well not all of it just some parts." I said. "This is also a sensitive subject and I'll tell you when I'm ready." "Okay." "So.. Is it okay I'd I stay here tonight I don't feel like driving home." he asked hopefully. " Sure."'I said as I smiled at him.

We went downstairs and I changed into my pjs and got into bed waiting for Nate to come out of the bathroom. When he came out he had a shirt in and he was in his boxers. He climes into bed with me and I turned to face him. He looked at me so lovingly it made me feel special. I rested my head on his chest and slowly fell alseep.

Three times the charm (A Zayn Malik love story)Where stories live. Discover now