Being Tywin's Daughter and Catching Roose Bolton's Eye Would Include

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● Even more drama between the North and the South seeing as how the Stark's and Baratheons are at each other's throats.

● Roose sending Ravens to you while you're in King's Landing informing you that your father doesn't seem to mind his ideals of you and he together.

● Wishing that you knew exactly what Roose and your father had in mind when it came to your relationship.

● Your heart skipping a beat when you heard about the Red Wedding and knowing that Roose was there only to calm down once Tywin tells you that Roose is still alive.

● Having an arranged marriage to Roose after Tywin sees how Roose helped Jaime to come home as safe as possible. Not to mention the loyalty Roose showed during the end of the Battle of Five Kings.

● Roose giving you that smirk when he finally sees you again face to face.

● Being married rather quickly in King's Landing before being shipped off back up North.

● Lots and lots of rough sex while Roose reminds you who you now belong to.

● Swearing you can see an extra bit of swagger when he walks around now being married to the daughter of the richest houses in the Seven Kingdoms.

● Protecting you at all costs knowing that if he failed Tywin would have his head.

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