Catching Tywin's Eye Would Include

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● Even though you'd be a quiet type of woman that would give off witty remarks that would be exactly what would draw Tywin's attention to you.

● Prim and proper and someone who didn't make a fool of themselves would also cause his eyes to wander to you.

● After a while of watching he'd finally device a well planned opportunity to come speak with you during a gather that he would be forced to attend.

● Afterwards he'd find reasons to have you summoned to his sep having excuses that he needed your input on things seeing as how you were one of the few intelligent people in King's Landing.

● Tywin most definitely be very displeased seeing anyone else at a gathering attempting to steal your attention from him causing him to use his position of power causing them to flee and your attention on him once again.

● He'd ask you to join him for dinner often in his Sep saying that he'd need to ask you certain questions to help with planning only to forego the planning and instead having the subject change to your daily lives and history.

● Tywin finally admiring that he enjoyed your company more than most and would like for you to stay at his side where he would be able to keep a better eye on you.

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