Being Tyrion's Friend Would Include

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● Being a kind hearted person and not putting up with people's shit when it came to how they spoke down on him.

● Reassuring him over and over again that you're not being his friend because of his house or his money, you're his friend because he's kind to you.

● Learning a great deal of things you never expected to learn because let's face it, he's rather wise for his age.

● Having his siblings believe that you're his whore, only after years of being friends - and you not ending up pregnant - they believe that you're only sticking around because of money.

● Protecting him against whatever harm may come his way and - more than once - nearly dying because of it.

● Running away with him after he kills his father, him not willing to leave you alone to face the wrath of his sister.

● Flirting. Lots and lots of flirting.

● Who could ever forget the massive amounts of drinking? Hope you like wine.

● Keeping him from drinking himself to death when he'd get into one of his moods.

● Being constantly thanked for staying by his side even though you had no motive such as money or sex to do so.

● He'd be extremely loyal to you and help you whenever or wherever he could.

● Him slowly start to fall in love with you somewhere along the way but never confessing to you since he wouldn't want to ruin your friendship.

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