Being Tywin's Daughter and Marrying Robb Stark Would Include

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● Being torn between your houses during the War of Five Kings.

● Wanting to stay by Robb's side even with your father breathing down your neck, knowing it won't end well.

● Robb holding no hatred toward you and loving you all the same even while being at war against your father.

● Robb being careful how he handles war plans around you not wanting to upset you when it came to his plans to fight your father.

● Loving Robb with all your heart just like long before the war.

● Being asked back to King's Landing by Tyrion in hopes he can save you, the only sister he ever really liked.

● Trying to get Robb to let your brother Jaime go when he's been captured.

● Being constantly stressed knowing that your father won't stop until Robb is dead.

● Robb's mother keeping a close eye on you since the start of this war and knowing that she doesn't trust you because you're a Lannister.

● Being the only Stark spared during the Red Wedding as Roose Bolton pulled you out of the way of the arrows as ordered by your father.

● Crying in an ugly manner as you watch as Robb is stabbed by Roose and his mother's throat slit.

● Hating the Lannisters for the rest of your days regardless on if they were your family or not.

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