Better Than Expected

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Roxanne's P.O.V

The room was so silent that I would probably hear the world's most silent fart ever.

Yup, that silent.

Everyone was looking at Sam, who by the way was blushing like a tomato. "Um..." She says playing with the ring on her middle finger, we all had one it was black and a picture of a fish bone. But sadly Cheska lost hers. "YOU JINXED US ALL!" Isa yells, scaring everyone half to death. Sam was now standing behind Paul, a horrified look on her face. "You...Ugh really Sam? I know you have a thing for accidentally or purposely jinxing people. But now? Now of all the times. Ugh, someone hold me."  Isabel fell onto the lap of Kianna, knocking the air out of her. "Oof!" I bit back a chuckle, trying to look as cool as a cucumber. Probably failing.

"Anyway...back to the point." Paul muses out leaning forward, his elbows on his knees. "You are all here today to discuss..." Paul trails off, waiting for someone to answer. Michael raised his hand. "Yes Michael?" 

"We are here to discuss the tour." Paul nodded. "That's right, and to talk about that we need to..." Angel raised her hand. "To communicate." Paul nodded again. "How are you going to do that?" 

"By opening your mouth and say words, duh." Louis says sarcastically, making me scream internally. I was watching him sass up close. "You watch your tone, Tomlinson." Paul warns, shutting Louis up instantly. "Now, like what Louis said, open your mouth and say words, right?" 

We nodded.

"And we will communicate peacefully, not screaming at each other and not at each others throats, okay."

We nodded again.

"Good, now I'll be going out now because I am needed in a meeting, about the tour. Remember, no killing each other." Paul spoke slowly as if talking to a but of 5 year olds. We're probably acting like one though. 

Soon enough, Paul was out the door and into the hallway, leaving us in an eerie silence. "What do cannibals eat to freshen their breathes?" Sam asks, obviously cracking one of her useless jokes. We all stared at her blankly, except Harry, who looked interested. Oh dear.

"What?" Harry questions, his face scrunched up in his overly-adorable confused face he does all the time. "It's 'men-toes'! Get it mentos, men-toes!" Again everyone was staring at her blankly. Again besides Harry.

He was laughing obnoxiously loud along with Sam, wheezing and gasping for air. "Tha-that's genius,mate!" He says between laughter. "I- know right." 

We all just shook our heads at their stupidity. I still love Harry though. Directioner for life!

~~~~~2 hours later~~~~~

Mareline's P.O.V

Paul has let us out of the meeting area, and we are now headed out of the building. It was fun being with One Direction boys, everyone seems to be getting along, except Ashton, Roxy, and Harry.

Roxy is not talking to Harry because of their unintentional meeting, Ashton is not talking to Harry or Roxy because of the fact they were together in a boy's toilet, although Roxy explained a couple of times that nothing dirty happened but Ashton won't have it, and Harry is not talking to Roxy because of the same reason, and he isn't talking to Ashton. In fear he might be headless by just standing right beside him.

And me? I'm getting along with Liam. He is a really cool dude, he's pretty cute too. Wait cross that out, I mean he is not cute. He is a sexy man-god, he is a reincarnation of the hottest man in ancient history, he is sex. I mean who could resist those pouty lips, or those jawlines carved by the gods, and damn that rocking body. I just wanna lic--

"Mar?" Liam's voice cut me out of my dirty thoughts, thank god for that. "Huh?" I ask looking into his doe-like eyes. "You kinda zoned out there, you nearly hit the glass door." I look in front of me and in fact the glass door was 5 inches away from my face. "Oh, thanks." I mumble embarrassed. I nearly made an idiot out of myself by hitting the glass door! Mar, don't do this in front of your crush!



Crush? Nope

I don't have a crush on Liam Payne. Not at all...who am I kidding, I do! I like the Liam Payne. But only like, I only adore him, admire, like. Not love. Calm your tatas.

I shake my head at the thought and walked out of the door, meeting up with the rest. I stand next to Isabel, bumping my hips with hers. "What now?" Niall asks making us all think, what do we do now? "Why not hang at our place?" Zayn suggests, shrugging his shoulders. "That'd be fun. Why not?" Calum says making everyone agree. Besides Ashton who merely grunted. "Come on Ash, calm your dick-" Luke was cut of by Ashton. "Don't swear."

"Whatever. Calm down, it'll be fun, besides Roxy said she saw nothing. But Ashton, you've seen a girl's boobs." Sam clears her throat. "Right...we all did together." 

I was still confused about them, I mean Sam and the 5sos boys. Like why are they awkward. If you know don't judge me. I'm slow. After what looks like an internal battle with himself, Ashton finally gives in. Making us all cheer. 

"Luke, Michael and Calum will be with me in our car." Ashton says.

"Cheska, Mareline, Kianna and I will be in my car." Angel muses out.

"Then me and the boys will be in my car." Louis says too.

"Then us." Isabel points to herself Roxy and Sam. 

"Come one, Sam" Isabel calls out, trying to catch Sam's attention, who was in a deep conversation with Harry. "Sam?" Still she didn't move. "SAM!" Sam jumps slightly, accidentally bumping her shoulders with Harry. "What?" She asks irritated. "We are going to their house, Harry is riding with Louis and you with us." Isa explain. Harry whine like a kid. "But she is getting to the good part."  Harry turned to Louis. "Can I ride with them?" Louis shook his head. "Nope.

Harry pout like a kid, all of a sudden he took Sam's hand and grab a hold of Isabel's keys. "Hey!" Isa yells. The boys chased Harry down, but they were too slow. Because soon enough. Sam and Harry were seated in the backseat of the car sticking their tongue out lie little kids. 


 "Ugh! Whatever Harry! Do what you want!" Louis screams, flipping his imaginary hair and walked away. We went to our respective cars and followed Louis' car. Because obviously we don't know where their house is.

We are not stalkers.

"Ugh!" Kianna groans slumping deeper into the backseat. "Why? What's wrong?" I ask her turning to face her. "It's just...I wish I could be less awkward to be able to talk to the know? Like Sam, she is already close to Harry. Just because of one joke." I could tell she was really troubled by this so I scooted to sit closer to her. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. "It's okay. Sooner or later, you'll be able to open up to the boys and be best friends with them." I reassure her, shaking her shoulders a bit. She sighs 

"I guess your right."

We just sit there hearing Angel and Cheska on the front talk about K-pop and whatever. Today seemed okay. We all had awkward moments...besides Angel, which she was bragging about earlier, then we met One Direction it was awkward at first. But if it wasn't for Sam, we would have been that way 'till now, so bless her.

Back to the point, if I could say anything about this day's events. I'd say it went better that expected.

I just hope it will go well at the boy's house.


Holy shit! I updated! Hallelujah!!!

Anyway, I'm absatoodly sorry for not updating for more that 5 months or something. I mean...all the procrastination and wifi connection was just bullshitting with me.  

Sorry if this chapter was boring, After not posting for months but it will get better. I promise.


P.S Contented now Eser!!!

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