Ch. 1 How The Hell Do You Know Me??

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(Y/N)'s POV

Being the daughter of one of the most notorious murderers, Oliver Kirkland, and one of the rare people to eat their hearts out and not gain a single pound, Amelia Jones, It came as no surprise to some that I ate like my mom, and LOVED my loving fathers baked goods. But what DID come as a surprise was the fact that, unlike my parents, I gained weight.
And here I am.....(Y/N) Kirkland.
Not really cared much by people, so I stick to myself. Chubby, and an animeholic. I don't mind the little attention. I have my mental friends, my parents, a younger brother/sister on the way, and of course, my anime. No big deal. But what is a big deal is the fact that I get kinda lonely... About a week ago, I started working out. How I wish I could be smaller... Maybe then someone would actually notice me. I sighed shaking my head. 'Focus, (Y/N).'
"Poppet?? Poppet where are you??" Dad's footsteps drew nearer to the basement door.
"Sweetie, what's wrong?" His footsteps stopped.
"I can't find (Y/N)!"
"And why do you need her?" I could tell my mom was really freaking confused.
"She hasn't ate any of the cupcakes I've made this past week... I really want to know if someone hurt our poppet."
"I hope not! I think I might know where she went." The sound of retreating footsteps made me sigh in relief, as I flipped through the spell book once more.
"Merchandise..." I sighed. "Silence.......A piece of you....Wait what??" My eyes widened as I reached into my bag and grabbed a poster of my favorite pervert. "What does it mean by a 'piece of you'??"
"That's simple poppet!" My dad was standing at the bottom of the stairs. "But why do you want to do this?" He wore a sad smile, his eyes asking me the same question that just escaped his mouth.
I looked down, which casted a shadow over my face with my bangs, as my eyes watered. "Dad...... I'm alone here..."
"What??" His eyebrows furrowed. "I never expected you to feel that way... I just want to know if you want a cupcake..."
"No... I'll pass.."
"POPPET!" I looked up wide eyed at his outburst. "P-please.... What's wrong....?" He took a timid step towards me. And I broke down completely.
"Dad! I don't want to look like this anymore! I hate my body.... I'm a no one.... I have no friends, people look at me weirdly..." I quickly felt hands on my shoulders, and looked up at my father who smiled worriedly at me.
"You are your mother's and my everything. You are just fine the way you are. But tell me, how would bringing this person to life, help you?" My eyes widened. I never thought of that.
"Well....... I just hoped that maybe he'd get someone to see that I'm not alone.."
"Poppet, I can't guarantee that to work out to plan... But if it'd make you happy to have another person here, I'll help you get them." He rolled up his sleeves, and placed the book on a stand next to the cauldron. I stayed silent as he started reciting the words from the book.
"Ex alia regna vocare vobis. Exaudi me. Mea causa est permanet. Nisi mutatum est vis ignota." I threw in the poster and looked at my father with an utmost puzzled look as he pulled out a picture of me, and tossed it into the cauldron. Once again he repeated the spell, and a bright light emitted from the cauldron, and flew over to the empty spot next to me, slowly piecing together the short blonde. I looked down at him as he slowly came together and he took on color.
"...." He looked around us. "Hi....? I'm Meliodas....?"
I took a shaky breath as I looked into his emerald green eyes. "(Y-Y/N)..." I retained myself from glomping him as I turned towards my father, who seemed to vanish on the spot. "Dad......? Goddammit..." I muttered.
"(Y/N) SWEAR JAR!" I heard from upstairs. I sighed, smiling and shaking my head.
"I bet you're uncomfortable...." I muttered looking at the midget. I knew my eyes were watering again.
"Ehhh... Kinda.... Hey! Why are you crying?!"
"N-no reason... Umm... Hungry? My father is probably cooking right now..."
"Starving." He joked. I looked at him, and smiled slightly, motioning him to follow me, as I walked up the stairs.
"Ello, Meliodas! Please join us for lunch!" My dad's eyes light up.
"Sure... How do you know me though...?" Oh yeah.... I forgot to think about how I was going to explain that...

'Ello, poppets!!! Another shitty story brought to you by yours truly!

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