Ch. 11 More Sins To Meet (Haha It's the 11th chapter...)

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 (Y/N) POV

I smiled some at the blonde. "I love you Meli."
"I love you more, (N/N)." He retorted lovingly, smiling back. After getting everyone out of the tavern I sighed, wiping my forehead some. "Good job, everyone!" He grinned cheerfully. I furrowed my brows some, I needed to think a bit about something. Creeping out of the tavern, I took in a breath of the air around me.
"Ahhhh." I smiled happily. Just the right amount of protection. He gave me space, but knew when I needed him the most. It's been about six days since I had arrived.
I walked aimlessly around the field the tavern sat on.
"Hello." I jumped in the air a good foot when I heard the almost emotionless voice.
"A-Ah! Uhm... Hello.. Gowther..." I smiled some, turning towards him. I had avoided every sin there was.
"You seem distraught. Is something the matter?" He asked, head tilted.
"Ehhh.. Well..." I sighed in defeat, earning another confused look. "I just don't know how the others feel...." I looked down.
"I can always see for you?" He asked. I shook my head quickly and furiously.
"N-no!! I don't want t-to.. Uhh... Trouble you! Yeah... I don't want to trouble you." He raised a brow but nodded.
"Okay." He walked away, but I watched intently for a second before deciding I'd let it go and go back to thinking.
"A baby bump so soon...." I murmured, knowing that it takes roughly 3 months to form, but it's only been a little over a month.... Sighing a soft sigh I noticed a shadow appear next to me, though they seemed.. Off the ground?
"....(Y/N), right?" The guy had said. "Look.... Uhh.. I'm sorry for seeming to.... For being a bit rude since you've came here... Let's.. Let's start over." I turned, eyes wide a bit, to the brownish orange haired male. "I'm King." His hand stretched out and I smiled half heartedly returning the favor shyly.
"(Y/N).." I whispered.
"Nice... May I ask what in the world that thing is that you always have connected to your head?" He asked after a second of silence. After a second of decoding, I grinned lightly, and pulled out the headphones he spoke of.
"These? These are called headphones. They connect to a phone." I tugged gently on the cord that was still in my pocket and my phone popped out. Catching it quickly, I brought up the music app and found a song I felt suited him. I handed him a bud, and he slowly brought it to his ear and listened silently.
"Woah... This is so cool.." He breathed out in awe, before handing me the ear bud and waving. "I'm starving. I'll meet you inside." He flew in and I watched a second almost smiling. Almost.
Turning back I sighed again. "Interrupted.... God." I muttered, trying to focus on what I had on mind a bit before.
"Hi!" I voice cheered, slightly shy, but excited all the same. I gave myself a mental note reminding me how she hurt me a bit.
"Hi..." I regained composure, but my voice seemed a little dull as I turned to the brunette.
"I am always so mean, and I tend to jump to conclusions a lot... I never really expected someone who seemed so different from the captain to actually catch his attention..." She covered her mouth with her hair after speaking. Before I could bring up for judging she jumped a little. "But I mean! Now that I have seen you a bit while working, I see you are the type he'd go for! You just seem to need a bit of support!"
"Uhhhhh..." My mouth hung open at her words.
"Also! Also!" She squealed lightly. "Is it true you are from a dimension where we are a show!? That's sooo cool!!!" I nodded sheepishly.
"Yeah..." I smiled a bit, she sounded so enthusiastic. Did she really mean her 'apology'?
"Anyways!!!!!" Grinning she hugged me quickly. "Elizabeth wants to go get some books from town! Come with??" I shook my head in a polite decline.
"But maybe.... Maybe try finding a book from (F/Genre)?"
"Sure!" She sounded understanding of my decline, but also like she planned on a yes, then she headed over and greeted Elizabeth and disappeared from view.
"Oi!" I sighed exasperatedly at the next voice.
"CAN'T ANYONE GET PEACE!?" I yelled aggravatedly.
"Calm. Can't stress hurt your kid?" He asked, he being Ban.
"Yes. And you are causing it." I muttered.
"Rude." He laughed slinging an arm over my shoulders lightly and leaning like a drunkard. Which wouldn't surprise me if he was.
"Yes?" I whispered trying to figure why.... How many has it been? .....1,2...3 sins have found their way to me.
"I know we don't talk much. But we better start! If you're having the guy I call a brother's baby, you're my sister! No and's, if's, or but's about it!" I blinked some slowly thinking I pieced this shit together. "Also. You're a great cook, if I say so myself. Meliodas needs someone who can cook for him. His cooking would kill him, and you." He joked. I nodded not focusing exactly.
"Are you drunk?" I asked without thinking.
"Nah." He chuckled blowing in my face. As his response said, his breath showed no alcohol, but god, they need oral hygiene here.. Meliodas never seemed to have such a bad smell, or even taste... I blushed lightly as I thought about his kiss. Boy did I need it right now.
"Ban come cook!" I higher pitched voice squeaked, pulling Ban by his pants inside and away from me.
I stood in silence for a bit, trying to think on if my assumption was right. "Where's the midget when I need him....." I mumbled a bit sadly, and a millisecond later hands where wrapped around me, and a head leaned on my shoulder.
"Right where you need him...." He whispered lightly. "You called?" I smiled a bit, feeling the stress slowly melt away.
"I feel like something's off..." I whispered.
"How so?" He asked, pecking my cheek. I shrugged lightly in response. "Well..." He trailed off. "I could say it is a bit planned..... Make sense?" He questioned. Eyes widening, I realized my assumption was indeed, right.

Meliodas's POV (Wayyyy wayyyy back)

I was washing the cups and whatnot, deep in thought. I knew (Y/N) had went outside, and even looked up here and there to make sure she was fine. "Captain. Can I speak to you and the others?" Gowther asked, causing me and, well, the others to look at him.
"Sure." I shrugged, placing the now clean mug in order.
"(Y/N) seems.... Off. So I went and talked to her." I nodded some, trying to understand where he was heading. "She's distraught about a few things, so I scanned her a bit. But what she had told me was that she was worried about...." He turned to the group of sins that looked a bit dumbfounded, hell I did too. I couldn't possibly understand why he was bringing this up. "You guys." He said. "She feels unwelcomed. Like she doesn't fit in. Have any of you tried engaging in conversation?" I looked around with Gowther at the sins who looked a bit guilty. I had finally realized. She hadn't told me any of that.
"I have." Merlin spoke. "She's very... Interesting. We talk a bit when she's free. But never feels comfortable with doing so. I now see why." She said a little harshly, as if she was scolding the others with her words.
"No.... We don't talk at all. Her cooking is quite good though." Ban stated.
"Might as well go start this....." King sighed and flew his way out the door and to (Y/N). I watched them from my spot at the counter, checking to see if anything actually would go down that would make me have to jump into action. Once she shook his hand, I felt a bit better and relaxed quite a bit.
"Captain. I need to speak with you. About (Y/N)." I blinked, a bit shocked at his words. "Maybe so they can't hear I should send them to you?" I nodded a little letting him place his finger to my temple. Automatically I hear her gentle voice, though a bit distressed. It's too soon for this... I read all that I could on the development! I need help.... But I can't go to anyone here... Not one person has had a child around here, and I can't bother Meli... I bother him enough already.... I hate that Merlin and Gowther are the only ones who attempt to talk to me, but why is it, no one else does? I feel I have made Merlin think I hate her, hell she is so nice, even making me a potion like medicine that is natural like melatonin, but she guarantees it'll work better and faster. No one wants me around. Elizabeth made that clear on the first day.... It sounded like she sobbed lightly, but after a second his fingers were removed along with her voice.
"W-wha..?" I was a bit struck. "...." I sighed softly I knew about her development 'issues' "Bother me...? She has never...." I sighed again She needs me now more than ever. I narrowed my eyes just a little at Elizabeth as Diane skipped out of the tavern, like she was ready to put a well designed play into action, and out after her went Elizabeth. "I never really was informed of why (Y/N) ran out crying the first day back..." I admitted.
"That, captain was because Elizabeth became a bit possessive of you. You never really gave any clues as to you leaving her."
"Leaving?" I blinked, slowly becoming a little enraged. "Not once did I actually say I loved her. I, at first, felt like I needed to 'love her'! But leaving this world changed that! I left and automatically saw the thing I was missing! I could even become a bit open about what I felt enough to let you, and all of you know what I felt." I growled looking at the remaining sins, since Diane was outside. "Us demons can sense our mate. It's hard to explain. An itchy feeling you get at first. And every step closer to our mate, it becomes like a twisted happy feeling. Not butterflies, but like you're getting stabbed from the inside. It took me a bit to realize that was what it was, and I figured it out by the fact that touching her made the twisted feeling reside. And until I had told her my feelings, they had gotten worse when she wasn't around me, and resided with her loving touch. I can even sense when she's in danger. But even though it had been about two days before I told her, it was devastating. If I could have ran to the girls bathroom and saved her when the blade slit her wrist, I would have. Instead I had to wait, and I prayed. Oh I prayed that the feeling was wrong as I walked to the bathroom and I had to run out for help as her dying breaths came from the other side of a door I couldn't get into! I almost lost her! And I hadn't even told her what she did to me. She still doesn't know, and because she wasn't demon, she couldn't feel any of it!" I was about ready to cry, I was mad, so many feelings roamed around inside of me. "Don't. Ever. Tell me I'm hurting people. I almost lost the one that I was actually destined for. The Elizabeth's never gave me that feeling. But the one that did, almost died from suicide. The one that did, you guys can't stand that she's here. 'Hurting people'? Tch. Take a look at yourselves for once." I jumped over the counter and made my way outside. I took a deep breath, the fresh air hit first, but I could smell her hair, which sent a slight tingle down my spine as I smiled, looking at her, I swear I've never actually swooned before I met her. I walked closer to her as Ban had been drug inside by Hawk, about two feet away from her, I listened intently to her words.
"Where's the midget when I need him....." She mumbled, taking that as my que I wrapped my arms around her, and placed my head on her shoulder. The feelings I had of anger and sadness washed away at her touch.
"Right where you need him...." I whispered as if I was talking to a goddess. "You called?" I joked lightly, I didn't want to sound like joking was what I was there for, but I couldn't help it.
"I feel like something's off..." She whispered as in thought.
"How so?" I asked, pecking her cheek. She shrugged which made me continue. "Well..." I trailed off, I hadn't wanted her to get all mad so I tried to put it lightly. "I could say it is a bit planned..... Make sense?" I questioned.
"Oh no..." She said sadly.
"Hm? What's wrong love?" I asked squeezing her lovingly.
"They didn't mean any of it..." Her voice wavered as she moved her hands up to wipe her eyes which I had gotten to faster. "They all still hate me." She cried softly. "They hate me, they hate me!" She repeated, crying.
"No.... No they don't."
"Yes they do! They only put up with me being here cause of your threat! But I'm not worth any of that anyway! You don't have to leave cause they hate me!" I sighed softly cradling her from behind, soon she had moved, though, leaning down just enough for my head to lay on hers as she sobbed into my shirt. She's pregnant, and you all have to make her feel like she's dirt under your shoes. You are all idiots if you hadn't known that pregnant females take things harder and and over exaggerate things. I rubbed her back softly. I didn't know what I could say to make her feel the least bit better. Taking a deep breath, I put my feelings into the only song I could think of.
".....I met you in the dark, you lit me up. You made me feel as though I was enough....." I sung softly into her ear.
"We danced the night away, we drank too much....." She responded with her voice cracking.
"I held yo- You know what, let's get right to it." I said moving her up. "I said, I already told ya, I think that you should get some rest..... I knew I loved you then! But you'd never know, 'cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go. I know I needed you! But I never showed.. But I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old. Just say you won't let go.... Just say you won't let go!" I sung, straight from the heart. I needed her to know. "The first night I stayed in the bed and waited half an hour for you to sleep was the best thing that happened to me. I did know I loved you then, I just couldn't bare what you would say if you actually didn't feel the same. I already knew I needed you.... In the most innocent way. But I needed you in the most sinful way as well. I needed you in your best and your worse. I don't want to let go of this beautiful thing we have. I don't want to let go of the beautiful girl who has given me the beautiful love we have!" I said watching the tears dry on her cheeks as I spilled everything for that part of the song. "For a minute, I forget that I'm older, I wanna dance with you right now... Oh, and you look as beautiful as ever, and I swear that everyday'll get better. You make me feel this way somehow! I'm so in love with you, and I hope you know. Darling your love is more than worth its weight in gold." I cupped her cheeks softly. "I always lose track of time when you're with me, and your eyes always captivate me. You always will be beautiful, and I get this feeling deep inside of me that our future together is the greatest thing I await. I love you so much and I do believe you're worth me losing my team. I don't need them if they can't see how stunning you are. And if anything were to happen, like my team leaving me, or my tavern not being mine, I'll live. But I swear, the one thing I don't want to lose is you. I'd fight for you to stay mine. You're worth so much more to me than physical objects, and you're main priority over friends and everyone else. .....Please, don't let go..." I took a deep breath pouring out my heart, it's made me a bit scared of what she'd say.
"Never... Never would I let my love go." She whispered, placing one of her hands over one I had on her cheek, and the other on mine, just before startling me with a gentle kiss, which I returned happily.

2857 words! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! God that is great! Specially for this finale! My new book  will be out ASAP! I am way to sorry for the wait! But I also have the 1st chapter written out and I only need it typed! My title for the new one is: 'Our Magical Adventures Together' 
A very special thanks to Crash_Tomboy for the great help on the title!! I love you all way to much! And I can't get the excitement gone from the wonderful ranking on this book! For it is and will always be you my great readers that keep me going! Also! Gah! 'Say You Won't Let Go' by 'Jame Arthur' is the song used, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Til next time!

*huffs* I can't add the song.... I'll put it in the comments!

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