Attacked part 2

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(Elizabeth's POV)

I hugged Jake tightly, i just can't believe he was almost killed.

He leaned his face closer to my ear and whispered.

"I'll go get my gun out of the car if it will make you feel safer."

I nodded and he nodded back before we parted from our hug and he walked out the door. I went to follow him but Connor quickly stepped in front of me.

"Wait Elisabeth, please i need to talk to you."

He gently grabbed my hand and brought me into the living room.

"Please sit down." he said pointing to the couch.

I slowly sat down and he sat down beside me.

"I've been thinking really hard about this and i just have to say it...." he took both of my hands in his. "...i love you."

I looked at him in shock and quickly tried to pull my hands from his but he wouldn't let go.

"I know we've only pretty much just met but i just can't help myself, i need you Elisabeth. You're the first girl mother acutelly approves of and she wants you to be apart of our family....we can be so happy together."

I shook my head.

"No I'm sorry Connor but i don't share the same feelings as you." i tried to get up again but Connor held my hands tighter till it became painful.

"Connor let go please, you're hurting me!"

He stared at me blankly, its as if he didn't hear my words or feel me struggling to get out of his hold.

(Connor's POV)

I could see her struggling and trying to get my hands off of her and her mouth was moving but i couldn't hear any words. Its like I'm miles away yet....I'm still sitting here beside her.

Show her how much you love her.

But i don't know how she'll react, what if she hates me after.

Do it you stupid boy!

I gulped before i gently grabbed her face and kissed her with all the passion i had in me. She continued to struggle so i wrapped one arm around her waist to keep her from getting away while my other hand went to hold the back of her head.

Her lips feel so heavenly, so soft and they taste and smell like a strawberry lip chap. I moaned a little into the kiss till i pulled away for air.

Elisabeth was gasping for air.

"I'm sorry, i didn't want to pull away." i breathed out as i rested my forehead on hers.

"How could you just force a kiss on me!" she yelled making me flinch a little.

She harshly pulled out of my arms and slapped me across the face.

I was so shocked and hurt by her action that i didn't even feel the pain in my face.....but i felt it in my heart.

"I told you i don't share the same feelings as you. We just met and there is clearly a big age gap between us." she said as she backed away from me.

"Please Elisabeth don't make this harder then it has to be, mother will be very angry. Just please understand that i want to protect you....i love you almost as much as i love my mother which is a lot."

She gave me a fearful look before she ran for the door and left.

Mother will not be happy at all.

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