Connor's Mother

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(Elisabeth's POV)

"S-stay away from me!" i cried as Connor slowly walked towards me.

"Shhh honey, everything will be okay. Just please calm down and come back upstairs with me before mother finds out."

I shook my head and backed away more, the open door that lead out of the cellar caught my eyes. I have to warn the others, i ran up to Connor and pushed him with all my straight, he back up and fell over some boxs. I quickly ran up the stairs and out of the cellar, closing and locking the door behind me.

Soon after Connor started to bang on the door.

"Let me out of here Elisabeth, right now!" he yelled in anger. "You are in so much trouble!"

He kept bangging on the door till i heard him run away from the door. Oh no, the secret staircase that leads up to the bed room! I ran down the hall and out of the house screaming for my friends. As i got down to the motel i checked all of the rooms but no one was here. I started to really panic, what if their all dead? Or what if their all out there somewhere? It's dark out and the wind carried a strong chill.

"Elisabeth?" a voice said from behind me. I sighed in relief when i saw Robbie standing there looking at me with worry.

"Oh thank god, Robbie we have to get out of here. Connor and his mother are crazy! They killed Jake!" i cried as i ran into Robbies arms. "Where are the others?"

"They all went out looking for you." he said as he pointed towards the forest.

I looked at the forest and nodded.

"Okay we have to find them and get out of here, come on Robbie." i started walking away but didn't hear Robbie follow me.

I turned around to face him, he was just standing there. He suddenly dropped to his knees and fell face first into the dirt, a large knife sticking into his back! And Connor standing right behind him.
I screamed and went to run into the forest but Connor wrapped his arms around me from behind and started to drag me to the room i was staying in.

"Please Connor just let us go!" i cried.

"No, i can't let you go Elisabeth. I love you too much, and your friends will never leave without you, so they must die." Connor said in anger before he pushed me into the room and then locked the door behind him.

(Connor's POV)

I ignored Elisabeths crys as she bangged on the door, i went over to Robbies body and dragged it into one of the empty rooms. I threw him into the bathroom bath tube so all the blood would just go down the drain.

I locked the door after walking out of the room. Now i must find the others and get rid of them, i walked past the room that Elisabeth was locked in and it was very quiet, a little too quiet.



A bad feeling washed over me and i quickly unlocked the door and went in. As i entered the room i didn't see my dear Elisabeth anywhere!

"Elisabeth!" i yelled in panic as i looked in every hiding spot she could be in but still didn't find her. Suddenly i remembered the one thing i didn't think she would use to escape.
"Damn it!"

I ran to the bathroom and saw the small window wide open.

(Elisabeth's POV)

I ran through the forest screaming for the others, my heart was beating so fast that i feared it would burst out of my chest.

Jake and Robbie are dead.....Connor and his mother are killers! Psycho killers!

"Elisabeth!" a voice called out and i felt relief as i saw Carol, Joan and John come running over to me.

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