The Cellar

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(Connor's POV)

I watched as Jake started to wake up, i had him sitting on the hard cold floor of the cellar.

"Connor....what the hell!" he snapped as he glared at me.

Seeing him like this bought a lot of memorises back, me and mother would bring girls down here and kill them slowly. I tried to change my ways and leave all of that in the past but here we are once again about to kill someone.

"You fucking freak! Let me go now!" Jake screamed.

I glared at him before giving him a good slap in the face.

"Shut up, don't you dare call me a freak. You're the freak here, you were going to ruin Elisabeth, I'm sure all you want to do is get her on drugs and fuck her, then you'd break her heart and leave her! Well i won't let that happen, i will protect her from monsters like you!" i yelled before i started to punch him over and over again.

'Enough Connor, finish him!'

"But mother he must suffer for what he was going to do to Elisabeth." i said getting ready to punch Jake again.

"What the hell is wrong with you Connor!?.....theres no one else here!" Jake yelled with a bit of blood dripping out of his mouth.

I couldn't control myself as i pulled out my knife and yelled as i stabbed him in his chest over and over again till he stopped screaming and his body stopped moving as his life left it.

(Elisabeth's POV)

I looked all over the room for something to help me escape but i couldn't find anything. I thought about going out the window but it was locked, plus i was on the second floor so its too high for me to jump.

I kicked the wall in frustration and when i did i heard an echo from the other side of the wall, as if theres an open space on the other side. I began to kick the wall as hard as i could and after a few kicks there was a large hole that i could fit though. As i stepped into the wall i saw a set of stairs that went down, i followed them till i got to a door. When i opened the door it looked like i was in a cellar.

It was cold and the only light was a singal light bulb hangging from the celling. As i walked more into the cellar i step in a red sticky puddel of something, the smell of it was so disgusting i had to put my hand over my nose and tried not to gag.

"What is this?" i said to myself.

The more i walked forward the more red stuff i saw and the smell only got worse. I soon came to a large puddel of the red stuff and there was something laying in the middle of it, as i got closer i saw what was laying there and i felt my heart skip a beat in fear.


His face was covered in blood and bruises, i could see some blood coming out of some deep cuts on his chest. I felt pure panic wash over me and before i could stop it a loud scream past my lips.

Only seconds later i heard heavy foot steps running towards the cellar door that was to my left side, the door swung open and Connor rushed in and when he saw me his face showed worry and fear.

"You weren't suppose to see this Elisabeth."

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