Out of Prison

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6 months later

(Elisabeth's POV)

"What a freaking week." i sighed as i sat down at the little coffee table in front of Joan.

I've taken a job at the food market and i thought it would be an easy lay back job but holy shit i was wrong!

"Another busy day?" Joan questioned with a knowing smile.

"Oh yes, that job is stressing me out." i said holding my head in my hands. "I'm thinking about looking for another job-"

I stopped talking when i saw Connor's grandmother walk in. She's been coming into this coffee/mini mart shop for the past six months, and would buy one lottery ticket.

"Good afternoon my dear Elisabeth." she said with a smile as if we were close friends.

"Leave me alone already." i pretty much growled at her with a glare.

She just continued to smile at me.

"I'll tell Connor you said hi." she chuckled before going to buy her ticket.

"She's just as crazy as her grandson." Joan whispered to me and i nodded.

We talked and had our coffee before i left to go put flowers on Jake and Robbies graves.

(Connor's POV)

"Elisabeth......Elisabeth. Where are you now my sweet Elisabeth." i whispered as i laid on the hard small bed in my cell.

This place is hell! I can't stand it anymore, the food is disgusting, the walls and floors are dirty and i only get to have a shower twice a week. And worse they treat me like a criminal! I tried to save an innocent girl for fuck sakes!

"Get up Connor, you have a visiter." the guard said as he opend my cell.

I got up and had to let the guard cuff me. Then he took me to the visitors area which was just a big room with chairs and tables.

My grandmother smiled when i walked into the room and i smiled back at her.

"Oh my dear Connor, how are you today?" she asked as we both took a seat at a small table.

"I'd be alot better if i was out of this terrible place." i said. "Do you have the pictures?"

"Of course i do." grandmother pulled out a bunch of pictures of Elisabeth from her purse.

I quickly took them from her and started looking through them with a happy smile.

"Oh Elisabeth, i miss you so much." i said to the pictures.

"Well you won't have to miss her for much longer now." grandmother said with a smirk. "In fact you'll be seeing her today."

I snapped my head up and looked at my grandmother with confusion. She reached into her purse again and pulled out a ticket.

"A winning ticket."

(Elisabeth's POV)

"There all clean again." i said to Jake and Robbies graves. Their head stones were all dirty and i just couldn't stand it. So i cleaned them and the area around them which took almost three hours to do.

"I miss you two crazy boys." i smiled sadly.

"Did you miss me Elisabeth." a deep voice said behind me.

I quickly turned around and my eyes widened in horror as i saw Connor standing there with a smirk on his face.

"Hello darling." i heard him say before i felt something hard hit me on the back of my head and everything went dark.

(Connor's POV)

"Did you have to hit her that hard grandmother." i growled at my grandmother who just hit Elisabeth in the back of her head with the handle of her shovel.

"She'll be fine dear." she said with a smile as she walked over to mothers grave.

I kneeled down beside Elisabeth's unconscious body and gatherd her up in my arms, oh how I've missed her.
I quickly brought her over to the car and placed her in the back seat. Then i grabbed my shovel and ran to help grandmother dig up mother.

It took us almost three hours to dig up mothers coffin but we finally got her.
I opened the coffin and carefully picked mother up bridal style, and started walking back to the car.

(Elisabeth's POV)

I groaned in pain as i held the back of my head, who the fuck hit me!

"Ah good she's awake, i told you she'd be fine." i heard Connor's grandmother say.

I looked around me to see i was in the back seat of a moving car, Connor was driving and his grandmother sat beside him in the passager seat.

"What the hell, how are you out of jail!?" i said to Connor in panic.

"Grandmother hit the jackpot on a ticket." he smirked at his grandmother who smiled back at him.

"I told you i would save you my Elisabeth....you and mother." he said as he looked at me through the rear veiw mirror.

"You're mother was laid to rest back in her grave, she is finally at peace."

Connor shook his head.

"No Elisabeth, mother was scared and alone. But now she's safe with us, I'm taking you two to our new home. My familys summer cabin high up in the mountains." Connor smiled happily.

Shes safe with us?

What the hell dose that mean, shes in her grave-
I quickly looked at the seat beside me fearing I'd see the rotting corpes of Connor's mother but there was nothing. I looked in the very back behind my seat and covered my mouth in horror as i saw the corpe laying right there!

'Oh my god!' i thought to myself as tears burned my eyes and i quickly turned my body back around so i wasen't looking in the back of the car.

I sobbed quietly in fear, these people are insane and unstable.

"Don't cry my dear Elisabeth, soon we will be home." Connor said in a gentle voice.

I calmed myself down and soon remembered something i couldn't belive i didn't think of when i first woke up in this car, my phone.
These idoits didn't take my phone! I quickly texted joan and told her to call the police and to get them to track my phone.

I smiled now knowing that i would be saved in no time, i just have to keep my phone on and make sure they don't take it away.

"What about me grandson?" Connor's grandmother asked.

"I'm dropping you off at your house. Give us sometime to settel down in our new home before you come to visit." he said not taking his eyes off the road.

"As you wish." she said in a calm voice.

We dropped off Connor's grandmother and she made me take her place in the seat next to Connor.

"See you darlings later." she said in a cheerful voice before walking off to her house.

Connor drove back onto the main road that lead out of town.

"I've missed you so much my dear." he said taking my hand in one of his.

"Why can't you just leave me alone, i don't want to be apart of you're family." i said looking him in his dark brown eyes.

"Your still just a child, you don't understand how evil the outside world really is but now you have me to protect you."

'Not if the police have anything to say about it.' i thought to myself happily.

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