The Demon And The Wolf Part 1

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(Salena's/me POV)
It was a normal day me and Lily were looking for the third green crystal. Lierra and Matthew were arguing for no reason "stop arguing or you know what's going to happen!" They stop arguing and they look at me. "No salena not the ear!" "Yeah not the ear!" "Than stop arguing." So they did. Lilly got up from her char (Oh I almost forgot we are at our layer.) she grabbed matthew's hand and ran out the door leaves me and Lierra. "Salena i'm sorry I was bla-" She was interrupted by me "Remember what grandfather said ALL WAYS RETRAITE YOUR STEPS BEFORE BLAMING SOMEONE OK!" She stood their in shock "Just leave me alone." So she did I was about to go to my room when a portal came at of nowhere and it was polling us in. Me and Lierra was trying to grab onto something but failed something hit me and we fell in. 

To Be Continued

Sorry that was short but in the next chapter it will be longer and two of my personalities will be in the story kind of like bendy's a little bit but crazyer ok see you in the next chapter.

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