When We Meet Cuphead And Mugman

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(Still Bendy's POV)

'Maybe I could ask Lierra' I thought. After that they came back and Lierra did not look happy "So what happen?" Boris ask "Nothing" I look at Salena she is not happy either 'I have to know what's going on' Then I heard something I look where the sound came from and 'Oh no not again' I thought in my head "Salena we have to go" I said "Ok let's go" She said.

(Salena's POV)

"Salena we have to go" Bendy said I tern around 'Oh that's why' It was Cuphead and Mugman "Ok let's go" So we did and we split up. (NOOOOOOO WHY!) I seen cuphead and mugman gone after Bendy and Boris (CUPHEAD STAY AWAY FROM MY BENDY!) "Lierra go and find Boris" She nodded "But what about you Salena?" She ask "Going to protect Bendy" (YEAH YOUR GOING DOWN CUPHEAD!) Then we split up. I went behind tree to tree then I saw Cuphead so I ran up to him and kick him he hit the ground "AOW WHO DID THAT!" He said "Stay away from Bendy Cuphead!" I said "How do you know my name and who are you?" He ask 'oh no I'm not suppose to know his name well I'm already changing things anyway so here it goes' I thought "I'm Salena Salena Yeomans and someone told me your name" I kinda lied "Ok whatever Salena go and leave me alone" "No!" I yelled "Then I'LL MAKE YOU" He ran after me and I kick him again he kee down and I did the same "Look at me Cuphead" So he did "Please don't hurt Bendy even if you have to if you do.... something is going to happen to your brother. If you don't believe then fine see what happens to your brother." I give him a look "f-fine!" He said "Ok let's go find Bendy then Boris and your brother and my sister" I said then we left.

(Cuphead's POV)

That look she gave me it so familiar like I have met her before and that name Salena I have heard if that name before but where? Why am I thinking of that NOW?! Sigh maybe I can look in my photos maybe that can help.

(Back to Salena's POV)

Me and Cuphead where walking then I heard something 'Could that be Bendy?' I though me and Cuphead started to run. The sound got louder and louder then I look in front of me 'Bendy' I though sadly (I JUST GUESSED IT OH I WAS RIGHT!) "Cuphead help me with bendy" I said he nodded.

Time skip!

We brought bendy somewhere I kinda forgot where we are but at least Cuphead knows the way. When we got there Cuphead shouted "ARE YOU SERIOUS YOUR PLAYING CARDS WITH THEM?!" They turn around "BENDY!" Boris said Cuphead through him and Boris cach him "Come here you" Cuphead said grabbing Mugman's ear "AOW AOW AOW!" Mugman said in pain then they left. "OMG is Bendy ok?" lierra ask Boris was about to speak but I started to speak "he's fine let's go back to the hotel and put bendy on his bed ok" I said they nodded.

The Next Day

I was outside reading and to get some fresh air the one thing is that I finally met Bendy but the thing is I can't tell him anything about my crazy life sigh I can think about this later.

(Bendy's POV)

Me and Boris were talking then Lierra came in then I remember 'Oh right' I thought "Hay Lierra" I started "Yeah?" She said "Can you please try telling us the truth please?" I ask. Lierra's smile faded "My sister said if I tell you. You would not understand at all." She said 'What does she mean that we would not understand does she trust us?' I thought "Don't you trust us!" I ask "yeah I trust you and my sister too but if I tell you...you won't tell my sister right" The way she said that and the sadness in her eyes. "no not at all" Boris said "Ok.... We are from a different dimension" She said. Wait did she said Different dimension!?!

Yay I finally done the reason that it took so long is because I had no wifi or anything which was sad but here I am now YAY!

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