The Demon And The Wolf Part 2

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Ok be for we start the story let's say hello to my personality the pink one is Smiley she is all was happy and sweet too. 


And the black (Sometime red) one is Kiera don't get her mad or she will kill you ok  

Kiera: Sup and-


(Lierra's POV)

I woke up and salena was still past out her head is bleeding really bad. I didn't know what to do cause I don't know where the hospital is and I don't know where we are. Then an idea came "HELP HELP ANYONE PLEASE HELP!" After I said that I heard footsteps coming closer and closer then it stop I shut my eyes close I heard one of them say "Miss are you ok" He said I open my eyes and look up 'A wolf?' I thought. I nodded slightly then I saw another person he is shorter than his friend 'I think there brothers and cool a demon' I thought again "What is your names" He ask "I'm Lierra and this is salena what are your names" I ask "I'm Boris and this is Bendy" Boris said pointing at bendy who looks curious "Is your friend ok what happen?" bendy ask I look at my sister still past out and still bleeding "She got hit by something oh and she is not my friend she is my sister." I said still looking at my sister "HAY YOU AND YOUR SISTER CAN COME TO THE HOTEL WITH US!" Boris said excited I was so happy "Can they come with us" Boris ask his brother and he nodded. 


When we got there we put salena on bendy's bed and cleaned the blood off her head. After that me and Boris went to his bed we both sat down to get to know each other better "so how old are you" I ask "I'm 12 and my bro is 18 you" Boris said pointing at his brother who is siting on his bed waiting for my sister to wake up. "I'm 18 and my sister is 16" he started to laugh "What's so funny" "Don't you see it like opposite cause your older than your sister and I'm younger than my bro." When he said that I started to laugh too.  

(Bendy's POV)

I'm so happy that my bro is getting along with Lierra but I feel bad for her sister salena "I feel bad for my sister." I heard Lierra said I look up at them "why" Boris ask "Cause ever since mom past away she stopped smiling and laughing even excited. Whenever i'm worry about mom salena all was tell me everything is going to be ok but when she heard that mom died she tell me to never talk about her again I know she misses mom too but she don't show it anymore I just want my sister to be herself again" I was in shock 'That must have been painful what if my brother did the same' Then I heard something I tern around and I saw salena waking up "GUYS SHE'S WAKING UP." I said

(Salena's POV)

Salena's dream

It was dark really dark "Well well well is in it salena yeomans or should I say 'cat girl'." Wait I know that voice "Anelas what do you want?" I ask " you know what I want your powers so I can become more powerful. oh and I have a surprise for you." "What is it Anelas" I ask annoyed " tern around." I tern around and I saw a girl with long black hair that was dripping ink even her face too her right eye has whit in the in side and in the outside of the eye was black. on the left eye was just black her skin was pail like a vampire "Who is that girl" I ask a little scared "It's you salena If you try to save one of your friends than you will tern into this and you will be mine forever HAHAHAHAHAHAHA." 

 Out of Salena's dream

I woke up and my head started to hurt I try to sit up then all of sudden "GUYS SHE'S WAKING UP." 'He sounds familiar' I thought when I saw my sister she look surprise "Lierr-" I got cut of by Lierra hugging me "OH MY GOD SALENA I'M SO HAPPY YOU ARE OK I THOUGHT YOU WERE DIED" I hug her back "Me too" I said "Hi" one of them said. When me and Lierra let go I look at the one who said 'Hi' to me when I look at him I stood there in shock 'No way is that...BENDY?!' 'Wait who is bendy again?' ' REALLY KIERA! Bendy is *Explain everything*'  'Oh ya wait IS THAT THE BENDY' ' DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I can't believe were meeting the bendy *fangirling*' ' STOP FANGIRLING IT'S ANNOYING' 'Ok sorry' "Salena?" I snap out of my thought "Oh h-hi" I stutterd "Hi Salena I'm boris and this is bendy" Boris said "Hi Boris hi Bendy" I said Bendy blushed when I said his name 'OMG HIS BLUSHING *fangirling again*' 'Smiley stay cool ok you are going to blow our cover ok' 'Sorry I can't help it'  "Hi Salena um is your head ok" Bendy ask "Yeah my head is ok it still hurts a little." He nodded "HAY YOU GUYS HUNGRY CAUSE I AM!" Boris said excited "I'm in salena?" My sister ask "Hmm? I'm not tha- *Stomach growling* hungry" 'ARE YOU SERIOUS IN FERUNT OF BENDY' 'What I am really hungry I haven't eaten all day today SINCE WE SKIP BEREFEST!' 'Oh right' "I guess that is a yes come on let's go eat" Bendy chuckled I blushed a little I hope he did not see it.

(Bendy's POV)

"I guess that is a yes come on let's go eat" I chuckled she blushed 'How cute wait I can't like her already besides she is 16 and i'm 18 *sigh*' 'Or can I' 'No you can't she is to young for you and-' 'Shut up and let me handle this' 'Oh no.' 

(Salena's POV) Again

When we walk out of the hotel we went to the cafe it look really nice we took our seat and we talk for a little bit. "So where do you two live?" Bendy ask us 'Oh no bendy can not know where we live yet he won't understand at all!' I thought to myself "Oh we live in a different dement-" Lierra got cut off by me I grabbed Lierra's hand and ran outside. When we got outside Lierra gave me a look like a 'really' look "Salena what the heck was that!?" Lierra shouted "They can't know who we are yet" I said "Why" Lierra ask "Cause they won't understand ok." I said "Oh right sorry i forgot" Lierra said "No it's not your fault you forgot it happens now lets go back ok" Lierra nodded and we went back in.

Before we went out

(Bendy's POV) YAY

"Oh we live in a different dement-" Lierra got cut of by Salena she grabbed Lierra's hand and ran outside but why? "What's with them?" Boris ask "I don't know" "Should we check on them and see what's up?" He ask again "No we can ask them later let's wait in till their ready ok" I told him "Ok" So we waited in till they come back. 'Maybe I could ask Lierra' 

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