33//Jealous, much?

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((A/N- song for this chapter is Heroine by Marc E. Bassy))


I sit in front of the window in my bedroom.

I couldn't sleep all last night.

My mind was running around him, Calum. I could think about is him, strangely. His eyes, they way they crinkle up when he smiles, his lips, how soft they are, his hair, how I just wanna run my hands through the fluffy mess, his voice, how it can make my insides melt in the good and bad way, and those hands of his, oh how they can work magic-


Oh right, Jackson. He's cute too-


I sigh, feeling the conflict inside myself.


I turn around and see the familiar face standing in my doorway. Wearing his familiar smile, with those beautiful blue eyes of his. And now I know why I'm moving on from Calum.

"Jackson, hey."I mumble. He walks in further and sits across from me, on my bed. "Listen, I'm sorry about last night, I-"

"I get it. I know... I should've known Calum would try and pull something like that,"I begin.


"Well, you are an asshole for even starting it, knowing she's trying to be something with Jackson. But...go talk to her."Gracie moves aside from the staircase. I smile. "Thanks, Grace."

I nod once before dashing up the stairs and making my way to Hayley's slightly cracked open door-

"I have to admit it, I still do have some feelings for Calum,"I hear Hayley's voice from across the door. My heart skips a beat.

She still feels something, there's a chance to get her back!

"But I'm moving on from him, honestly. I really do like you, Jackson."she finishes.

Wait what.

I peek in and see him sitting up against the headboard, his legs are stretched out and she's straddling his waist...eugh.

Jealous, much?

"I like you too, Hayley. A lot."he smiles and tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Good, then maybe we can put last night behind us and...just work on us?"she asks and links their fingers together, making my heart crack-

It's like I'm losing her all over again.

"I'd like that."he smiles and nods, sitting up towards her. She leans down and-

I turn away before I can see anymore of it. I don't wanna see them kiss. I can't. It already hurts enough.

What was I thinking? That she would just come back and it would be so easy to just make up? Who am I kidding, Hayley doesn't want me anymore. I should stop before this gets out of hand.

Don't let her go, coward.

She's with Jackson now, and she's happy. That's all I want for her-

Liar. You want her to be happy with you! It can still happen! You just have to fight for her!

I nod to myself, gathering my thoughts. I know what I have to do.


"Calum, I'm not sure it's a good idea to do this."Ashton warns me. I roll my eyes and continue cutting into the reprinted pictures. "Ash, I have to do this."I remind my worried friend.

We're currently at Michael's house, as we just finished a writing session. Luke left earlier to hang out with Gracie, Hayley and Mr Frosty Fries.

I stayed over here so I could work on my gift for Hayley, I'm determined to win her back.

He rolls his eyes. "Calum, she's with Jackson. As much as I will always ship Halum, it's coming to an end."he admits.


"You and Hayley's ship name."

"You've been spending too much time with Gracie."I shake my head and continue cutting the pictures.

I'm making a surprise for Hayley. Since we're all doing Christmas presents for each other- Ashton's terrible idea- I thought I should make something sweet and sentimental. Something I know she'll love.

I've already got everyone else theirs. They're at my house somewhere.

I got Ashton some new drumsticks, and a set of bandannas, Luke is receiving a new acoustic guitar along with some picks, I got Mikey a new laptop so he can play those weird games I don't get, and I got Gracie some merchandise- she's obsessed with The 1975, Harry Styles and Logic- so it wasn't that hard.

However, I had to think hard about what to get Hayley. I know she's a sucker for cheesy things but at the same time, they can't be too cheesy. I also know about her interests and things she likes so I put that into her gift as well. I just hope she likes it.

"I'm glad we're having Christmas at your house. There's more room there, which means I won't have to be surrounded by stupid relationships and their drama."Michael says, walking in with 3 water bottles. He hands one to each of us.

"What do you mean? Luke and Gracie, and Hayley and Jackass are the only couples."I say. Ashton chuckles small at my words and shakes his head.

"Jackass? Really, Calum?"Michael sighs. I shrug. "What?"

"He hasn't even done anything to you-"

"Other than steal my girl-"

"He didn't 'steal your girl', okay, Mr-One-Direction? You broke up with her and she moved on, and now you're just jealous that he's the one who gets to kiss her at the end of the day."Ashton corrected.

My jaw slightly clenches but I shake my head in refusal at his words.

"We'll see by the end of her Christmas break if she still feels that way, and I'm not jealous."I retort out of denial.

"Yeah, we'll see,"Ashton pauses to take a drink of his water "at the end of today, though, Hayley is still gonna kiss Jackson."

And unfortunately, it's true.

But it won't be for long.


A/N- lmao calum, mah guy, yOUZ WHIPPED FOR HAYLEYYY


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