Chapter One

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Today was like all the others. Lance would go around to everybody and ask them one of three questions depending on who they were. If it was the Alteans, or Shiro it was: do you need help with anything? If it was Hunk or Pidge it was: do you want to hang out? Or if it was Keith: do you want to hit up the training room?

Like all other days, only one person said yes.


At first, Lance was pretty discouraged considering that the person that didn't like him the most would be the one to spend the most time with him. Even though it was just two hours of Keith kicking his ass in the training room, it became one of the only times he could spend in another person's presence because he was actually wanted.

Before he went into space, he already struggled with thoughts like this but constantly being surrounded by people who were smarter and stronger than he thought of himself, caused a seed of doubt to cloud his mind more often than usual. The time he spent with Keith created a reliable pattern to him, one that he could look forward to and remind himself of when he thought too badly of himself.

"Pay attention, Lance," Keith shouted going in for another strike, which Lance was able to successfully dodge. He was a little surprised at himself, he hadn't been feeling too well over the past few days but he pushed himself through anyway, he needed to be better for the team. They made that fact clear. To him at least.


The first sign he saw was like all other days, he asked everyone the same questions. At this time, he hadn't created the third question yet. Simply asking if he needed any help with anything. Always no.

"I guess I'll just go do a face mask or something," he said glumly to himself. He slunk past the training desk's door and paused when he heard fighting and shouting coming from inside. The door slid open and he saw his teammates fighting off gladiator bots, his heart sank when he saw all of them working successfully together without him. He stepped in, surely this was a team exercise of some kind. He raised his bayard and shot a bot going for Pidge's back. She didn't even turn around to acknowledge him. It only took a few more minutes for them to finish off the rest of them and Shiro turned to look at them.

"Good work everyone," he said with a smile looking over the lot of them. When his eyes reached Lance, his grin faltered and he gave him a look of confusion.

"Lance, I didn't know you were here," he said with a cocked head. Lance winced and looked down at the ground, before whipping his head up with a smirk.

"I'm a sneaky sharpshooter, guess I'm doing a great job!" He said with false bravado. The others who were looking at him with the same puzzlement then groaned and faced away.

'Good,' he thought as his smile crumbled and his eyes teared up slightly. He couldn't pay attention to what Shiro was saying to the others, too caught up in the hurt that he was feeling.

"Dismissed," was all he heard before he was speed walking out of the room. He headed toward his quarters, wanting to crawl into bed as quickly as possible. He bit his quivering lip in his mouth as he thought over what Shiro had said to him. He was surprised that Lance was even there, he knew that he wasn't there when they started. Which meant that he was willingly excluded, he already somber mood went spiralling after the thought.

'Why didn't they tell me about the training session?' he asked himself. He stepped into his room and started taking off the armour. He pulled on his bathrobe and laid down on his bed. For a moment a smile lit up his face as he looked at the glowing stars he had stuck to his ceiling a while earlier.

'Maybe they realized that I'm not worth training anymore,' the thought crashed into his mind like a freight train. He sat up on his bed and grabbed his head in his hands.

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